
Fitness Landscape Analysis for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This repo contains the source code that extracts the Fitness Landscape measures used for characterizing QAP instances in the paper "On the use of fitness landscape features in meta-learning based algorithm selection for the quadratic assignment problem".

The sampling is performed by the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, followed by a best improvement local search on each solution with the swap operator.


Running make will generate two binary files:

  • bin/mh
  • bin/ft

First you need to execute the sampling method:

$ ./bin/mh -f <path to instance file> -s <sample size> -o <sample file>

This will save the sample in the binary <sample file> and print the CPU execution time. Then, you run the feature extractor on the generated sample:

$ ./bin/ft -f <sample file> [-c <cropped sample size>]

Which will print the values of the extracted features in the following order:

  • Optima Fitness Coefficient
  • Average Descent
  • Fitness Distance Correlation
  • Average Distance to Optima
  • Accumulated Escape Probability
  • Dispersion Metric (base sample)
  • Dispersion Metric (local optima sample)

If you pass the optional argument -c <cropped sample size>, the features will be computed considering a cropped subsample.