
Small web api application that provides generating rectangles and search for entries where some point falls into

Build project

Execute the next command in the root folder dotnet build

Run tests

Execute the next command in the root folder dotnet test There will be failed tests from automation project, since it's not finished

Run api locally

Execute the next command in the root folder dotnet run --project .\src\RectanglesDemo.Api\RectanglesDemo.Api.csproj api is accessible http://localhost:5295/swagger/index.html. Please, use login/password admin/admin111 for basic authentication

Run api in docker

Execute the next command in the root folder

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

When container is up, api is accessible http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html. Please, use login/password admin/admin111 for basic authentication


Api automation tests project is not finished, it's some kind of template for futher deveopment.