===================== ARC MIDDLEWARE README ===================== Purpose of this Document ======================== This document is intended to introduce the reader to the software and point to existing documentation. Table of contents ================= * What is the ARC Middleware * License * Getting the software * Installation and Configuration * Contributing * Support, Mailing lists * Documentation * Contact What is the ARC Middleware ========================== The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware, developed by the NorduGrid Collaboration (<http://www.nordugrid.org>), is an open source software solution enabling e-Science computing infrastructures with emphasis on processing of large data volumes. ARC has been used to enable national and international e-infrastructures since its first release in 2002. License ======= The software code is released under the Apache 2.0 License (see the LICENSE file). The necessary 3rd party libraries are usually available in standard Linux distributions; in rare cases NorduGrid repositories offer them. Getting the software ==================== All the information about how to get the software is available at <http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/> Installation and Configuration ============================== If you are new to ARC and want to give it a quick try then please follow our quickstart guide that will give you an ARC Computing Element and introduce you to typical distributed computing workflows in just a few minutes! QUICKSTART GUIDE: <http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/arc6/admins/try_arc6.html> For production Computing Element deployment follow the Installation and Configuration Guide, which contains pointers to precise configuration of every ARC subsystem. INSTALLATION and CONFIG GUIDE: <http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/arc6/admins/arc6_install_guide.html> Contributing ============ The open source development of the ARC middleware is coordinated by the NorduGrid Collaboration. The Technical Coordination Group (TCG) defines outstanding issues that have to be addressed in the framework of ARC development. Contributions from the community to the software and the documentation are welcomed. Source code can be found in the Coderefinery gitlab repository. ARC SOURCE: <https://source.coderefinery.org/nordugrid/arc> Regular ARC developers should have an account on Coderefinery and use the defined procedures for contributing. Those wishing to submit occasional patches can do so by submitting pull requests on the GitHub mirror at <https://github.com/nordugrid/arc>. Those pull requests will be merged by the ARC release team into the Coderefinery repository. Ongoing and completed e-Science research projects and student assignments related to the middleware are listed on the NorduGrid web site: <http://www.nordugrid.org> Support, Mailing lists ============================================== User support and site installation assistance is provided via several mailing lists including the nordugrid-discuss mailing list which provides a general forum for all kind of issues related to the ARC middleware. MAILING LISTS: <https://mail.nordugrid.org/mailman/listinfo> The Bugzilla problem tracking system accepts requests for features or enhancements, and it is also the main system for tracking and reporting problems. BUGZILLA: <https://bugzilla.nordugrid.org> Documentation ============= Research papers, overview talks, reference manuals, user guides, installation instructions, conference presentations, FAQ and even tutorial materials can be found in the documentation section of the website. ARC6 specific documentation is at <http://www.nordugrid.org/arc/arc6/> Contact ======= Contact information is kept updated on the <http://www.nordugrid.org> web site.
The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) middleware integrates computing resources (usually, computing clusters managed by a batch system), making them available via a secure common layer. This GitHub repo is a read-only mirror of the main repo at https://source.coderefinery.org/nordugrid/arc. See the README for details on how to contribute.