
Compiling libqi with Visual Studio 2015...

Closed this issue · 7 comments

rlyle commented

So, i've almost got libqi building under Visual Studio 2015... I'm down to one last compile error, just wondering if you've seen this issue before:

------ Build started: Project: libqi, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> eventloop.cpp
1>c:\work\ibm\self\lib\libqi\src\eventloop.cpp(324): error C2672: 'boost::chrono::duration_cast': no matching overloaded function found
1>c:\work\ibm\self\lib\libqi\src\eventloop.cpp(324): error C2770: invalid explicit template argument(s) for 'boost::enable_ifboost::chrono::detail::is_duration<T,ToDuration>::type boost::chrono::duration_cast(const boost::chrono::duration<Rep2,Period> &)'
1> c:\work\ibm\self\lib\boost_1_60_0\boost\chrono\duration.hpp(786): note: see declaration of 'boost::chrono::duration_cast'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I'm compiling with the latest version of Boost - 1.60.0

Hi o/

Thanks to try such things. We don't officially support boost 1.60 or VS2015 but we can help you anyway. I compile with boost 1.55 / VS 2015 and with boost 1.60 / VS 2013 but no both together.

Can you give us the sha1 of libqi you're compiling for?

rlyle commented

Not sure how to give you the SHA1, but I'm using libqi as a submodule off the "release-2.4" branch.

rlyle commented

Ok, finally got it to compile by commenting out a single line in the boost 1.60 implementation..

boost\asio\detail\config.hpp line 339

After fixing that, then I hit this error:
1>c:\work\ibm\self\lib\libqi\src\sdklayout-boost.cpp(549): error C2668: 'anonymous-namespace'::relative': ambiguous call to overloaded function 1> c:\work\ibm\self\lib\libqi\src\sdklayout-boost.cpp(48): note: could be 'std::stringanonymous-namespace'::relative(const boost::filesystem::path &,const boost::filesystem::path &)'
1> c:\work\ibm\self\lib\boost_1_60_0\boost\filesystem\operations.hpp(692): note: or 'boost::filesystem::path boost::filesystem::relative(const boost::filesystem::path &,boost::system::error_code &)' [found using argument-dependent lookup]
1> c:\work\ibm\self\lib\boost_1_60_0\boost\filesystem\operations.hpp(689): note: or 'boost::filesystem::path boost::filesystem::relative(const boost::filesystem::path &,const boost::filesystem::path &)' [found using argument-dependent lookup]
1> c:\work\ibm\self\lib\libqi\src\sdklayout-boost.cpp(549): note: while trying to match the argument list '(boost::filesystem::path, const boost::filesystem::path)'

I was able to fix that by putting a :: in front of the relative to make sure it used the global namespace.

I have no information about BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CHRONO but about "relative" we already fix that in 2.5 : a3672ce

rlyle commented

Yeah, I think the new 2015 includes some boost constructs, the qi::Duration has trouble with the duration_cast<> template function.

Klaim commented

I'm mostly the only Windows developer on libqi so I feel you pain.
I don't know your last exact error, but keep in mind that qi::Duration is a specifci duration type. It's an instance of boost::chrono::duration<..> as you can see in the code.

I don't have time yet to check the VS 2015 compilation of libqi, but if you have this kidn of issue, it might be because of wrong casts going on, OR a problem with the change of some C++ language features in VS2015.

Could you clarify what is the error log exactly?

rlyle commented

Just needed to add BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_CHRONO define to fix the issue. If I had looked in the CMakeLists.txt file for libqi I would have discovered the fix sooner :)