
Not able to run on real pepper

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I'm not able to run on real pepper, i'm able to connect to pepper through ip. tablet is not detect on android studio.

Got same issue, sometimes adb kill-server then adb start-server works, sometimes AS needs to be restarted.
Previously had this issue when emulator already connected (or connecting) while trying to use a real pepper.

Also encountered such a problem, the simulator is normal, can connect to the pepper, but did not detect the device, when selecting the running target

Same here, only Android Studio reboot works when connected to pepper through adb but AS can't display nor select the emulator.

Having same issue, any update on this? Thanks

unfortunetelly still an issue.. connection to pepper via android studio not possible (but worked before already)

Hello. I’m dealing with the same thing. Any updates ?

The integrated connection method doesn't work anymore for me. I'm using the plugin ADB Wi-Fi and connect manually to Pepper. This works pretty good.

Yes, I created some apps for Pepper with Android Studio. It's not that easy as the documentation is bad and there's no support at all. Additonally, the OS is very old so it's not fun working with Pepper. But for small projects with basic functionality it's ok for me.
You have to add the ADB Wi-Fi plugin in Android Studio via Settings > Plugins. Then you have to enter Peppers IPs.
I'm no pepper expert at all and it's just a side project for me sometimes but if you want to contact me directly via mail just have a look into my github profile.