CMake, Meson, Matlab, Python additions to GLOW. NCAR wants to publish only base code.

Primary LanguageFortran

Build Status


The GLobal airglOW Model

  • Fortran-90 source code files,
  • Makefiles,
  • Example input and output files,
  • Example job script,
  • Subdirectory data/ contains input data files,
  • Subdirectory data/iri90 contains IRI input data files


You can call this repo from a Meson wrap or CMake Fetch. To build by itself, do either:

meson build

ninja -c build


cmake -B build -S .

cmake --build build -j


The parallel version of GLOW requires MPI and NetCDF for TIEGCM I/O.

mpirun -np 2 ./mpi_glow.bin < ~/data/in.namelist.tgcm

Note, for an unknown reason, in.namelist.msis only works with -O0 or -O1 with gfortran 7. We didn't look into why. Otherwise, -O3 works fine.

Matlab / GNU Octave

The Matlab and Python interfaces work similarly. Matlab code is in the matlab directory, and passes data to / from Glow over stdin / stdout pipes.

NOTE: if using GNU Octave, version ≥ 4.2 is required for proper textscan() functionality