
This package will allow you to manage and preview lottie files in your laravel project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Lottie Library

A php package allow you to load lottie files to your blade directly or after making some updates.


Install using composer:

composer require aldeebhasan/lottie-laravel:1.1.0

A new cache capabilities added to the package, you can enable it by using the following keys to your env file:


you can publish the config file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aldeebhasan\LottieLaravel\LottieLaravelServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Basic Usage

Lottie file component

You can use the lottie file component directly within your blade as following

 class="class-1 class-2" 
 style="color:red; background-color:blue;" 
 path="path to lottie file (.json)"
 animType="animation type (ex: svg)"
 :data="array of the lottie file content"

All the attributes are optional. Anyway, either path or animationData should be specified in order to display the lottie.

Lottie files manager

The package also provide a manager to manage the lottie files and make updates over them(like changing the colors)

You can load the lottie file from remote url or pass the file content directly. Check the following

use \Aldeebhasan\LottieLaravel\Facades\Lottie;
//from remote
$content = Lottie::loadUrl("https://example.json");
//from local array
$content = Lottie::loadData([ 
    "v" => "4.8.0", 
    "meta" => [
         "g" => "LottieFiles AE 3.0.2", 
         "a" => "", 
         "k" => "", 
         "d" => "", 
         "tc" => "" 

After loading the lottie file to the manager you can change the colors using one of the following

$content = Lottie::loadUrl("https://example.json")
   ->replaceColor("#000","#0f0f0f") // color with color
   ->replaceColor(["#000","#00f"],"#fff") // color list with color
   ->replaceColor(["#000","#00f"],["#fff","#ff0"]); // color list with color list

The function replaceColor also accept rgb and rgba color encoding:

$content = Lottie::loadUrl("https://example.json")
   ->replaceColor("rgb(0,0,0)",'rgba(255,255,0)'); // color with color

To retrieve the updated lottie data you can use our export function:

$content = Lottie::loadUrl("https://example.json")

Finally, thanks for the lottie-web package author, without their lottie player, we were not able to complete this work.

You can directly get an instance from the lottie manager using our helper function lottie()

$content = lottie()->loadUrl("https://example.json");

Direct Rendering

now you can render the desired lottie file directly in your blade files. Only you need to provide the lottie file data or path, and you will get your view back.

//From  URL
{!! lottie()->loadUrl('https://assets8.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_tuzu65Bu6N.json')->render() !!}

//From Data
$data = lottie()->loadUrl('https://assets8.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_tuzu65Bu6N.json')->export();
{!! lottie()->loadData($data)->render() !!}


  • Loading lottie file directly in the blade:
  • Loading lottie file using the manager and pass it to the lottie component:
 @php($data = lottie()
    :data='$data' />

@php($data2 = lottie()
    :data='$data2' />



Laravel Lottie Library package is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).

Security contact information

To report a security vulnerability, contact directly to the developer contact email Here.