
Stable commutator length computer

Primary LanguageC++


Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014 by Alden Walker

Released under the GPL.

See INSTALL for installation instructions.


scallop computes with surfaces in free groups and free products of cyclic groups. The appropriate background material is contained in [1] (for the -local mode), [2] (for -train), and [3] (for -cyclic and -ball)

The original version of scallop was written by Danny Calegari, implementing the algorithm described in [1], Chapter 4 to compute scl in free groups.
The current version is a conglomeration of packages written by Alden Walker implementing pieces of [1], [2], and [3], all using the basic principle that surface maps into free groups factor through fatgraph maps, and we can usually produce these via linear programming.


See the INSTALL file

Executing scallop

scallop is run by choosing one of four main modes, and then providing more mode-specific arguments:

./scallop [-cyclic, -ball, -local, -train] <mode-specific arguments>

It is not necessary to explicitly give a mode, in which case scallop will default to the original scallop algorithm for free groups, which is equivalent to the options -local -pn, where n is 2*rank.

We discuss the four modes separately. In all cases, giving no option-specific arguments will cause scallop to output a list of possible options and descriptions. In an effort to produce a timeless document, we'll only discuss the options that are non-obvious or particularly important.

In all modes, the option -v[n] is available, which gives verbose debug information. The optional integer n says how much: default output (1), verbose output (2), really verbose (3), and so verbose you probably don't want it (4).

A note on speed

Scallop defaults to the nonrigorous original scallop algorithm because for small rank it is much faster than the rigorous -cyclic. At rank approximately 3 or 4, -cyclic becomes faster. Asymptotically, -cyclic is polynomial time in the length, rank, and orders of the finite factors.

Gurobi is significantly faster than GLPK, so if possible, it's worthwhile getting the free academic license.

default (no mode specified)

./scallop chain 


$ ./scallop abAB
scl( abAB ) = 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop AbaaBAAABabAAbAAABBBBaaababbabaBaabbABBA
scl( AbaaBAAABabAAbAAABBBBaaababbabaBaabbABBA ) = 245/146 = 1.67808

With no mode specified, scallop defaults to -local, and the default -local behavior is to compute in a free group with the maximum fatgraph valence set to 2*rank. This is nonrigorous (but generically correct, and experimentally accurate with probability more than 0.95 for words of length up through 100ish ). In some cases, this mode can fail:

$ ./scallop abAAABBB aa bb
No feasible solution found

This is because a fatgraph bounding this chain must have valance at least 5.
If the default mode fails, simply run scallop in -cyclic mode to get a rigorous answer:

$./scallop -cyclic abAAABBB aa bb
scl_{a*b}( 1abAAABBB 1aa 1bb ) = 3/4 = 0.75 


./scallop -cyclic [options] [group] chain


$ ./scallop -cyclic a0b0 abAB
scl_{a*b}( 1abAB ) = 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop -cyclic a0b0 abAAABBB aa bb
scl_{a*b}( 1abAAABBB 1aa 1bb ) = 3/4 = 0.75

$ ./scallop -cyclic a3b2 ab
scl_{(a/3a)*(b/2b)}( 1ab ) = 1/12 = 0.0833333

$ ./scallop -cyclic -mGUROBI a10b7 ab
scl_{(a/10a)*(b/7b)}( 1ab ) = 53/140 = 0.378571

$ ./scallop -cyclic -C a0b0 abAABB ab
cl_{a*b}(1abAABB 1ab ) = 1 = 1

$ ./scallop -cyclic -C a0b0c0 abcAABBCC abc
cl_{a*b*c}(1abcAABBCC 1abc ) = 2 = 2

$ ./scallop -cyclic -r 1,2,-1,-2 3,4,-3,-4 5,6,-5,-6 7,8,-7,-8 9,10,-9,-10 11,12,-11,-12 13,14,-13,-14 15,16,-15,-16 17,18,-17,-18 19,20,-19,-20 21,22,-21,-22 23,24,-23,-24 25,26,-25,-26 w2,27,28,-27,-28

The 'raw' mode -r lets you compute in groups with more than 26 factors.

The -cyclic mode computes scl and cl in free products of cyclic groups.
The group string lists the generators and their orders (0 means infinite).
The option -C causes scallop to compute commutator length. This involves an integer programming problem, which is far harder than the linear programming problem used to compute scl.
The option -m[solver] lets the user choose GLPK (default), GUROBI (if compiled with support), or EXLP (only available for free groups). EXLP uses GMP for exact solutions.


./scallop -ball [options] filename [group] chain1 , chain2


$ ./scallop -ball test.eps abAB , abAABB ab
Drew ball to file

$ ./scallop -ball -mGUROBI test.eps a5b3 abAB , abAABB ab
Drew ball to file

The -ball`` mode computes the scl norm ball in the subspace of B_1^H spanned by the given chains. It defaults to using -mEXLPas the solver to avoid rounding errors. However, to compute a ball in a group with finite cyclic factors, the user must specify-mGLPKor-mGUROBI`. scallop will write an eps file to whatever filename is specified.

Theoretically, the algorithm can produce the ball in any dimension and output the result as a polyhedron in CDD format (see http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/fukudak/cdd_home/). However, CDD output is not currently implemented, so the only possibility is a 2d ball output to an eps file.

Make sure to include the output file name! Omitting it will almost certainly cause scallop to crash (it will assume the first word in the chain is the output file name, which will probably render the rest not homologically trivial). Also, the commas are necessary!


./scallop -local [options] chain


$ ./scallop -local abAAABBB aa bb
scl = 3/4 = 0.75

$ ./scallop -local -f abAAABBB aa bb
No feasible solution found

$ ./scallop -local -p4 abAB
scl = 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop -local -p4 -e abAB
Feasible solution found

$ ./scallop -local -p4 abcdABCD
No feasible solution found

$ ./scallop -local -p8 abcdABCD
scl = 3/2 = 1.5

$ ./scallop -local -ff1 abAB baBA a.ab.bAABB
scl = 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop -local -ff1 abAB a.ab.bAABB
No feasible solution found

The -local option searchs for fatgraphs in a free group bounding the chain which have the desired local properties. The typical options are: -f requires that the result be Stallings folded -e only checks whether the surface exists, but does not find it (this is faster) (this is accomplished by optimizing the function 0 rather than -chi) -pn only searches for fatgraphs whose valence is at most n -ffn only searches for surfaces whose f-vertices are isolated (see [2]) and partial^- doesn't touch itself, where n is the number of words in partial^-, and the f-vertices in the rest are marked with periods, as indicated above. -v[n]: verbose output (level n) -y: check if the chain is polygonal (overrides -f,-ff,-p)


./scallop -train [-sup, -scl] length chain


$ ./scallop -train 3 abAABB ab
scl( abA bAA AAB ABB BBa Bab aba bab ) = 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop -train -sup 3 abAABB ab
sup_{Q_3} phi(C)/2D(phi) = inf_t(w + tE) = (t->1/3); 1/2 = 0.5

$ ./scallop -train 4 abAABB ab
scl( abAA bAAB AABB ABBa BBab BabA abab baba ) = 2/3 = 0.666667  

$ ./scallop -train -sup -mGUROBI 4 abAABB ab
sup_{Q_4} phi(C)/2D(phi) = inf_t(w + tE) = (t->523/5529); 2/3 = 0.666667

$ ./scallop -train  -mGUROBI 4 abAAABBB aa bb
scl( abAA bAAA AAAB AABB ABBB BBBa BBab BabA 2aaaa 2bbbb ) = 3/4 = 0.75

$ ./scallop -train -sup -mGUROBI 4 abAAABBB aa bb
sup_{Q_4} phi(C)/2D(phi) = inf_t(w + tE) = (t->35319/1304); 2/3 = 0.666667

The -train mode computes with traintracks (see [2]). If the length specified is n, then it finds a minimal surface bounding the set of length n words contained in the given chain. It can also find the supremum of phi(C)/2D(phi) over all counting quasimorphisms phi, by giving the -sup option. This linear programming problem is significantly larger. Note that this can certify an extremal quasimorphism.

The -train mode has several other technical options for finding surfaces that bound w - phi(w) for a collection of words w and counting quasi phi.
These ideas are discussed in [2].

TODO / Troubleshooting

There are several pieces of scallop that aren't implemented. A user encountering these issues should find that scallop explains itself and then exits, but it is possible that scallop will simply crash.

Make sure the options are correctly specified! Often, a missing option will cause scallop to misinterpret what the chain is, which usually causes it to crash.

Missing pieces:

  • -cyclic should have the capability to output a fatgraph file
  • -ball should be able to output an arbitrary dimensional ball
  • -ball should be able to write an eps or povray file for a 3d ball


[1] D. Calegari. scl. MSJ Memoirs, 20. Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 2009.

[2] D. Calegari and A. Walker. Surface subgroups from Linear programming. preprint: arXiv:1212.2618

[3] A. Walker, Stable commutator length in free products of cyclic groups, Experimental Math 22 (2013), no. 3, 282-298.