
An Emacs port of Bad Wolf theme for Vim

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


An Emacs port of Bad Wolf theme for Vim.



Add MELPA to package-archives list in your init file:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))

Install package with:

M-x package-install RET badwolf-theme RET

Manual installation

Drop badwolf-theme.el file in directory you specified on custom-theme-load-path in your init file, for example:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")


Load theme on Emacs startup using load-theme in your init file:

(load-theme 'badwolf t)

or interactively:

M-x load-theme RET badwolf RET


Diff-hl colors can be inversed for nicer look when diff-hl-margin-mode is enabled:

(setq badwolf-diff-hl-inverse t)

If you want not-bold keywords:

(setq badwolf-keywords-nobold t)

NOTE: Those variables must be set before loading theme.


Feel free to open issue or send pull request if you want your favourite mode supported.

I would like to keep this theme as similar as possible to original Vim theme, so please keep that in mind when submitting your changes.