
Bioimages annotation tool based on image segmentation with admin panel and upload functionalities.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Bioimages Segmentation

Bioimages annotation tool based on image segmentation with admin panel and upload functionalities.

  • Label image regions with the mouse.
  • Image segmentation is written in vanilla Javascript, with require.js dependency (packaged).
  • Pure client-side implementation of image segmentation.
  • Server-side implementation of frame selection, video and frames upload.

A browser must support HTML canvas to use this tool.

There is an online demo.

Technologies used

HTML, CSS (Bulma, Bootstrap), JavaScript (Require.js), PHP (Laravel), MySQL



  • Admin login to upload videos and frames
  • After uploading video: Choose frame as thumbnail
  • Keyboard shortcuts for frame selection
  • Select frame to edit
  • Add notes to individual frames
  • Add tags to individual frames
  • Save frames after editing
  • Delete saved frames
  • Block duplicate frames


  • 3 tools for image segmentation (Polygon, Superpixel, Brush)
  • Undo-Redo Actions
  • Denoise function
  • Zoom image
  • Change image boundaries
  • Change image opacity

Importing videos and frames

You can import videos and frames after logging in to the admin panel. There are navigation items on the left side of the admin panel to help you.

Visitor Pages

There are 4 pages in the application.

Admin Pages

You can login here

You can upload from there videos and frames.

There are navigation items on the left side of the admin panel to browse through. There is a settings page to change your password too.

Installation and Requirements

  • Import my database (Remember to change the details of the database in the environment .env file)
  • Laravel folder goes to parent folder.
  • bioimages-segmentation folder goes to your subpage (/projects) folder. (In my case aldiduzha.com/projects/bioimages-segmentation) Done! You can now use the web app.

You need these on your server:

  • PHP: 7.2.x +
  • MySQL - 5.1.x +

There is a .env file in the laravel folder to change the database details if you need to.

Known issues

Browser incompatibility

A segmentation result can greatly differ due to the difference in JavaScript implementation across Web browsers. The difference stems from the numerical precision of floating-point numbers, and there is no easy way to produce the same result across browsers.

Python tips

Annotation PNG

The annotation PNG file contains label map encoded in RGB value. Do the following to encode an index map.

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Decode
encoded = np.array(Image.open('data/annotations/1.png'))
annotation = np.bitwise_or(np.bitwise_or(
    encoded[:, :, 0].astype(np.uint32),
    encoded[:, :, 1].astype(np.uint32) << 8),
    encoded[:, :, 2].astype(np.uint32) << 16)


# Encode
    np.bitwise_and(annotation, 255),
    np.bitwise_and(annotation >> 8, 255),
    np.bitwise_and(annotation >> 16, 255),
    ], axis=2).astype(np.uint8)).save('encoded.png')


Use JSON module.

import json

with open('data/example.json', 'r') as f:
    dataset = json.load(f)

Using dataURL

Do the following to convert between dataURL and NumPy format.

from PIL import Image
import base64
import io

# Encode
with io.BytesIO() as buffer:
    encoded.save(buffer, format='png')
    data_url = b'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue())

# Decode
binary = base64.b64decode(data_url.replace(b'data:image/png;base64,', b''))
encoded = Image.open(io.BytesIO(binary))

Matlab tips

Annotation PNG

The annotation PNG file contains a label map encoded in RGB value. Do the following to encode an index map.

% Decode

X = imread('data/annotations/0.png');
annotation = X(:, :, 1);
annotation = bitor(annotation, bitshift(X(:, :, 2), 8));
annotation = bitor(annotation, bitshift(X(:, :, 3), 16));

% Encode

X = cat(3, bitand(annotation, 255), ...
           bitand(bitshift(annotation, -8), 255), ...
           bitand(bitshift(annotation, -16)), 255));
imwrite(uint8(X), 'data/annotations/0.png');


BSD 3-Clause License