
This is a QGIS plugin to import Seismic Positioning Data.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a QGIS plugin to import Seismic Positioning Data. The file imports Seismic Navigation files (SPS, P1/11, P190 files).

The following can be imported: Receiver SPS Source SPS P190 S Records P190 V Records P190 E Records P190 Custom Records Import (Custom Filter to be chosen - For example ^E for E records only) P190 Preplot Import P111 S Record Import P111 Custom Record Import (Custom Filter to be chosen - For example ^P1 for P1 records)

Further more, each import has a schema associated which is available in schema folder. This schema file defines the data type for each of the fields and can be modified.

Schema for Seismic_Importer QGIS plugin

The default schema files for Px/90, Px/11 and SPS files are installed with the plugin. However, these can be modified to suit any changes.

Accessing Schema files

In QGIS menu, go to Settings->User Profiles -> Open Active Profile Folder as shown below:

Screenshot 2021-10-03 at 11 22 05 pm

In the opened folder, go to python/plugins/seismic_importer

These are the installation files of seismic_importer. Browse to schema/ folder. Here are all the schema files.

CAUTION: When a schema file is changed, the plugin needs to be re-imported. This can be done by restarting QGIS or using another plugin called “Plugin Reloader”. Install it from QGIS plugins and reload SPS importer every time you change the schema file.

Modifying Schema files

A sample schema file for SPS source looks like below:

sourceSPSSchema.txt -














You can use # to comment out any field. The mandatory fields are Linename, pointnum, X and Y. Rest of the fields can be commented out if not needed.

Some common errors:

  • Field name is not in the provided SPS file – comment out that field and then import.

  • The field is float or int in schema, but is not importable as it contains letters

  • Change the field to str instead of int or float. (X and Y should be floats).

  • A field does not exist: Add a new field with the same syntax as below: field:[fieldname]:[firstColumn]:[lastColumn]:[type]

Where fieldname = any name without spaces you want to call the field

firstColumn, lastColumn = first and last columns.
type: can be int, str or float

  • Filter is used to remove any rows that you are not interested in. This is a standard regular expression. For example ˆS means any line starting with an S.