
RESTFul API built w/ node.js and MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ExpressJS - Simple Bus Reservations RESTfull API

Free bird is a simple Bus reservations application specially for backend only. Built with NodeJs using the ExpressJs Framework. Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js. More about Express

Built With

Express.js Node.js


  1. Node Js
  2. Node_modules
  3. Postman
  4. Web Server (ex. localhost)

How to run the app ?

  1. Open app's directory in CMD or Terminal
  2. Type npm install
  3. Make new file a called .env, set up first here
  4. Turn on Web Server and MySQL can using Third-party tool like xampp, etc.
  5. Create a database with the name travel_db, and Import file travel.sql to phpmyadmin
  6. Open Postman desktop application or Chrome web app extension that has installed before
  7. Choose HTTP Method and enter request url.(ex. localhost:3000/)
  8. You can see all the end point here

Set up .env file

Open .env file on your favorite code editor, and copy paste this code below :

APP_PORT = 5001 //Your Port
APP_HOST = localhost // Your App Host
AUTH_KEY= bingodingosingoxingotongo94848484 // Key for JWT
PUBLIC_PATH = files/ 
PUBLIC_URL = /public/
DB_HOST= localhost // Database host
DB_DATABASE=travel // Database name
DB_USER=root // database username
NODE_ENV=development node server.js

End Point

1. GET

  • /routes(Get All routes) [Admin & Agent Only]

  • /schedules?sortBy=time&origin=JKT&destination=SMG&sort=0&date=2020-03-24

  • /reservations/schedules?route=9 (Get All Reservations by route)

  • /auth/verify?code=5476ad74-eda8-4633-959d-a4fa7e082c94&action=27

  • /schedules/price (Get All price based related agent)

  • /bus (Get All buses info on related agent)

  • /reservations/all-passengers (Get all passengers on related agent)


  • /schedules (Agent)

    • { "time": "07:00:00", "routeId": 2, "busId": 4 , date : '2020-03-24'}
  • date [default = Today]

  • /bus (Agent)

    • { "busName": "Super JET Bus 3", totalSeat : 10 }
  • /routes (Admin Only & Not Tested)

    • {"origin" : "Semarang", "originCode" : "SMG", "destination" : "Jakarta", "destinationCode" : "JKT", "distance" : "588"}
  • /agents (Add new agents [Admin])

    • {"userId" : "5", "agentName" : "PT. Travel Sejati"}
  • /agents/check-in (User Check in By Booking Code [Agents])

    • {"bookingCOde ": "387CA1FD"}
  • /reservations/purchase

    • {"userIdNumber" : "1707031406010002", "userIdType" : "KTP", "seatNumber" : "4", "scheduleId" : "30"}
  • /auth/register

    • {"username" : "abidaniela", "password" : "lala", "email" : "daniel3444@gmail.com"}
  • /auth/login

    • {"username" : "abidaniela", "password" : "lala"}
  • /users/profile

    • {"avatar" : "your-beautiful-pic.jpg", "fullName" : "Abi Daniela Trisdayanti", "bod" : "2000-04-24", "gender" : "1", "phoneNumber" : "081367946763", "address" : "Jl. Suka Suka 4"}
  • /schedules/price

    • {routeId : 4, price : 70000}


  • /routes/:id (Update routes by id)

    • {"origin" : "Semarang", "originCode" : "SMG", "destination" : "Jakarta", "destinationCode" : "JKT", "distance" : "900"}
  • /users/:id (Update users credentials by id)

    • { username : "binggo", password : "nopasswordbos", email : "emailusers@gmail.com"}
  • /schedules/price/:id

    • { price : 70000}
  • /bus/:id

    • {busName : "Super Kencana Jet-Bus", totalSeat : 20}


  • /users/:id (Delete users by id)