
NedeJS script for very basic text lookup in Kafdrop – Kafka Web UI messages.

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NedeJS script for very basic text lookup in Kafdrop – Kafka Web UI messages.

It may be helpful if the access to Kafka messages is via Kafdrop only, and usage of, for example, Offset Explorer is not possible. It takes a lot of pain to lookup for needed keyword manually in the browser. So, this script does the clicking for You by using Puppeteer (Headless Chrome Node.js API) and looks for specified text in the message.


Install dependencies and run the script:

npm install
npm start -- <text-to-search> [<options>]

Launch the script directly:

node kafdrop-find.js <text-to-search> [<options>]

To display all available options launch the script without parameters or use option --help.


Option Short name Description Default value Type
debug d Debug or verbose mode. Displays debug info and shows browser window while working. false boolean
partition p Partition to look into. 0 number
allPartitions a Specifies partition count in topic to look into all of them. If specified, option "partition" is ignored. <N/A> number
maxCount c Max record count to dig. By default from the end of partition or offset if specified. Ignored if both offsets ar set. 1000 number
startOffset s Offset where to start search. Note that search is performed backwards so startOffset must be greater than endOffset and can not exceed current offset. Used with option "partition" only. Offset for the last message in queue number
endOffset e Offset where to stop the search. Note that search is performed backwards so endOffset must be less than startOffset, but can not be less than 0. Used with option "partition" only. Offset for first message in queue, but not less than 0 or Offset for the last message minus value in maxCount. number
kafkaUrl u Kafka server URL to to use. Default is test environment. http://my-cool-kafdrop-server.com string
topic t Kafka topic where to search in. my-cool-kafka-topic string
format f Message format. "AVRO" for avro message decoding. DEFAULT string

Default parameters

You can override default parameters in script directly to avoid passing them all the time.


To lookup for text "my-message-text" in topic "my-cool-kafka-topic" partitions "0", "1", "2" and "3" on Kafdrop server "my-cool-kafdrop-server.com" starting from the last message in each partition limiting to 1000 messages in each partition:

node kafdrop-find.js my-message-text -a 4 -u http://my-cool-kafdrop-server.com -t my-cool-kafka-topic

Result will be the list of partition number and offset followed by direct URL to KafDrop and found data. For example if topic messages are JSONs:

----- 1:51 http://my-cool-kafdrop-server.com/topic/my-cool-kafka-topic/messages?partition=1&offset=51&count=1&keyFormat=DEFAULT&format=DEFAULT

Note that as search term may be passed any part of the message. Like, this example will match the result above too (double quotes are escaped with extra double quotes):

node kafdrop-find.js """someAttribute"":""my-message-text""}" -a 4 -u http://my-cool-kafdrop-server.com -t my-cool-kafka-topic