New Relic Agent for Xamarin


A nuget package to use New Relic Agent on Xamarin projects for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android

Agent version


The agent for Xamarin.iOS is currently using the version 7.3.6.


The agent for Xamarin.Android is currently using the version 6.7.0.


The New Relic agent for Xamarin is available on a NuGet Package called NewRelicAgentForXamarin.

More details for using the agent on wiki.

Working Features

Name iOS Android
App Launches
Crash report
Custom Events
Custom Attributes
Handled Exceptions
Stack traces
User Interactions
Performance metrics
Http Request
Distributed Tracing


The Android agent depends on a Gradle Plugin to make the instrumentation, so the all the features that use the instrumentation are not working yet.

Blocker's potential solution

New Relic will provide the code and the knowledge on what the Gradle plugin does, so we try to replicate the behavior on the Visual Studio Build pipe.