
A Laravel PHP library for sending SMTP emails.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This package is a new SMTP class built from scratch. Many of the existing email libraries are old, bloated, not on GitHub, and worst of all written in camelcase. I wanted something short and simple.

2013-12-20 -- I know that Laravel 4 contains its own mailing class based on SwiftMailer, but I still have problems with that software. I've decided to continue development of this package for the time being.

2014-06-15 -- I removed the ability to set recipients en masse with arrays. It was a little confusing and I think caused more problems than it solved. You just need to loop an array and assign individually.


Normal install via Composer.


Register the service provider in your app/config/app.php file:



Copy the config file to app/config/packages/travis/smtp/config.php and input the necessary information.


A normal email would go like this:

$mail = new Travis\SMTP();
$mail->from('paul@gmail.com', 'Paul T.'); // email is required, name is optional
$mail->subject('Hello World');
$mail->body('This is a <b>HTML</b> email.');
$result = $mail->send();

You can add multiple recipients, name is optional:

// add to

// add cc

// add bcc

You can set a custom reply-to address:

$mail->reply('paul@gmail.com', 'Paul T.');

You can add attachments:


You can assign a text version of your email:

$mail->text('This is a text email.');

You can send text-only emails:

$result = $mail->send_text();

Debug Mode

In the config you can flag 'debug_mode' = true;, which can be helpful in testing your SMTP connections. It will echo server responses from each step in the email sending process.


Below are some current limitations. Please feel free to contribute to this ongoing project.

  • Does not support encryption.
  • Does not support priority level.
  • Does not keep connection open for spooling email sends.