
vacancy search api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

VacantSearch 🏠

The project is live at https://opendatastl.github.io/VacantSearch/ Go check it out!



  • Python 🐍
    • Python3 - Python language interpreter
    • Pip - Python package manager
    • Virtualenv - Python environment manager
  • Postman - Tool to send API requests and read responses. (Get Postman)
  • Login credentials to OpenSTL Database - Please contact repo owner for credentials
  • GitBash - (Get this only if you have Windows operating system)


Create virtual environment
  1. Create a Python 3 environment. Replace [envname] with an environment name that makes sense.
virtualenv -p python3 [envname]

Once environment is created, run:

For Mac or Linux,

source [envname]/bin/activate

For Windows,

source [envname]/Scripts/activate
  1. In repo directory, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Connect to OpenSTL Database
  1. Get access credentials from repo owner -- you will need a username and a password.
  2. Open settings.txt in the top-level directory of the repository with text editor of choice.
  3. Replace [yourUsername] and [yourPassword] with your credentials, then save.
  1. (For Developers) Run the following command to ignore changes in settings.txt, so that you don't accidentally commit your user credentials 😛
git update-index --assume-unchanged settings.txt


  1. Open terminal, navigate to server sub-directory.
cd server/
  1. Start the backend server locally using following command:
python vacancy.py
  1. Open Postman (get Postman if you haven't already), create a POST request to with the following example JSON payload:
	"Neighborhoods" : [34,13],
	"LotType" : 2,
	"IncludePossible" : true,
	"NumBathsMin" : 0,
	"NumBathsMax" : 3,
	"SqFtMin" : 0,
	"SqFtMax" : 10000,
	"PriceMin" : 0,
	"PriceMax" : 10000

The Postman page should look like the following: POST Example

  1. You should get a response JSON with vacancy records that matches the criteria specified in the POST request. The response should somewhat resemble this: POST Response Example

  2. You can now try modifying the POST request payload. Here is a detailed explanation of each JSON key means:

Key (filter criteria) Expected Datatype Description
Neighborhoods List of integers Neighborhoods to include in search
Refer to Neighborhood Codes
LotType Integer values
0,1 or 2
0 = both vacant lots & building
1 = only vacant lots
2 = only vacant buildings
IncludePossible Boolean Whether to include "possible" entries
True will return data labeled as "possible" lots or buildings
NumBathsMin Integer Minimum number of bathrooms
NumBathsMax Integer Maximum number of bathrooms
SqFtMin Float Minimum square footage
SqFtMax Float Maximum square footage
PriceMin Float Minimum price
PriceMax Float Maximum price


🚧 Work in Progress 🚧

Once you got the application to run locally, it is ready to be deployed on a real back-end server!

  1. Move vacancy.service file into systemd directory.

Front-End Integration 🔧

This project includes a stripped-down front-end that makes Ajax calls to the filter API described above.

Use Local Back-end Server
  1. Make sure that the flask application is still running. If not, in the server/ directory, run the following command: following command:
python vacancy.py
  1. Navigate to the Test/ directory in this repository.
  2. (Optional) Open sampleFrontEnd.html in text editor. Find and modify the POST request JSON payload if you'd wish to filter on certain fields.
  3. Double-click on sampleFrontEnd.html. You should see the following webpage: HTML Example The JSON response is printed on the page. Alternatively, you can also use your favorite web console to examine the response.
Use Deployment Back-end Server
  1. If you don't know the OpenSTL server filter API url, contact repo-owner to obtain it.
  2. Navigate to the Test/ directory in this repository.
  3. Open sampleFrontEnd.html in text editor. Navigate to the script section and modify the url to the OpenSTL server API url.
// !! Replace "" below with depolyment server hostname
var url = "http://some-api-url/filter";
  1. (Optional) In sampleFrontEnd.html, modify the POST request JSON payload if you'd wish to filter on certain fields.

  2. Double-click on sampleFrontEnd.html. You should see the following webpage: HTML Example The JSON response is printed on the page. Alternatively, you can also use your favorite web console to examine the response.