
Ansible playbooks and roles to get new servers provisioned quickly. Mainly so we can get started on working on the fun stuff. =)

DevOps with Ansible

Some useful playbooks and roles to get up and running. Some may find these helpful. These are ment to work with ubuntu/debian systems. They can easily be updated to work with other distros.

Userful Commands

This command will look up the hosts file based on the path supplied and will prompt for a password.

ansible-playbook -i PATH-TO-INVENTORY-FILE/hosts --ask-become-pass PLAYBOOK.yml


Server provision (playbooks/server_provision.yml)

Below is a list of the packages installed

  • build-essential
  • git
  • curl
  • libssl-dev
  • aptitude
  • python2.7
  • nginx
  • postgresql
  • libpq-dev
  • python-psycopg2

Postgres provision (playbooks/postgres_provision.yml)

Github deplyoments (playbooks/github.yml)


  • nvm - Node Version Manager
  • yarn - Yarn Package Manager
  • postgres - Provision postgres with a new user and database

Useful Links