
Dockerize PHP Laravel API Backend & Frontend

Primary LanguagePHP

Ensibuuko Test

PHP Laravel API Backend & Frontend, setup using Docker, the app displays transactional reports

Getting started

General Requirements

All development stacks used are already setup with in docker. The following are the tools used

  • PHP 7.2
  • Docker
  • Laravel 5.8
  • composer (php dependency manager)
  • vue-cli (frontend app)
  • Node 10.15
  • MYSQL 5.7


  • Clone the code base
    $ git clone https://github.com/aldookware/ensibuuko.git 
  • Docker build
    • cd into the root of the project
      $ cd ensibuuko
      $ docker-compose build
  • Spin up the containers
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • In the browser of choice (chrome/firefox/safari) Visit. http://localhost:3030

API endpoints

Get transactional reports per country

Base URL http://localhost:3030

GET: /api/reports/transactions

      "Country": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
      "Saccos": 3,
      "Deposit": "1121532351",
      "Withdrawal": "997672610",
      "Net": "123859741"

Testing API

To run tests on the api side:

  • Ensure the api container is up, if not run docker-compose up --build
  • Run the following docker-compose command.
    $ docker-compose exec api vendor/bin/php unit


Aldo Okware