
The Pulley ShakeSearch Take-home Challenge

Primary LanguageCSS


Welcome to the Pulley Shakesearch Take-home Challenge! In this repository, you'll find a simple web app that allows a user to search for a text string in the complete works of Shakespeare.

You can see a live version of the app at https://pulley-shakesearch.herokuapp.com/. Try searching for "Hamlet" to display a set of results.

In it's current state, however, the app is in rough shape. The search is case sensitive, the results are difficult to read, and the search is limited to exact matches.

Your Mission

Improve the app! Think about the problem from the user's perspective and prioritize your changes according to what you think is most useful.

You can approach this with a back-end, front-end, or full-stack focus.


We will be primarily evaluating based on how well the search works for users. A search result with a lot of features (i.e. multi-words and mis-spellings handled), but with results that are hard to read would not be a strong submission.


  1. Fork this repository and send us a link to your fork after pushing your changes.
  2. Heroku hosting - The project includes a Heroku Procfile and, in its current state, can be deployed easily on Heroku's free tier.
  3. In your submission, share with us what changes you made and how you would prioritize changes if you had more time.