
Circuitpython library for SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor - AS7265x

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Driver for the Sparkfun AS7265x spectral sensors based on Adafruit AS726x circuitpython library

Installation and Dependencies

This driver depends on:

Please ensure all dependencies are available on the CircuitPython filesystem. This is easily achieved by downloading the Adafruit library and driver bundle.

Usage Example

import board
import busio
import time
from sparkfun_triad import AS7265x_I2C
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency = 100000) # or 400000


sensor = AS7265x_I2C(i2c)

sensor.device = 0
sensor.indicator_led = True # needed for turning off later
sensor.indicator_led = False
#sensor.driver_led = True
#sensor.device = 1
#sensor.driver_led = True
#sensor.device = 2
#sensor.driver_led = True

a = 0


while True:
    sensor.device = 0
    r610, r680, r730, r760, r810, r860 = sensor.channel0, sensor.channel1, sensor.channel2, sensor.channel3, sensor.channel4, sensor.channel5
    sensor.device = 1
    r560, r585, r645, r705, r900, r940 = sensor.channel0, sensor.channel1, sensor.channel2, sensor.channel3, sensor.channel4, sensor.channel5
    sensor.device = 2
    r410, r435, r460, r485, r510, r535 = sensor.channel0, sensor.channel1, sensor.channel2, sensor.channel3, sensor.channel4, sensor.channel5
    print({'id':a, '410':r410, '435':r435, '460':r460, '485':r485, '510':r510, '535':r535, '560':r560,
    '585':r585, '610':r610, '645':r645, '680':r680, '705':r705, '730':r730, '760':r760, '810':r810, '860':r860,  '900':r900, '940':r940})

    a = a + 1