
The UnlicenseUnlicense

حياكم الله بكل خير،
إسمي حسن الدّوي

أنا من البحرين. بحرين العروبة 🇧🇭

Code is Poetry

البرمجة هي شِعر

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Hi 👋, I'm Hasan AlDoy 🐧

Taken from Hugo Modules Logo

Apache Royale Penguin 🐧
Wondering the Arabian Desert

  • Born in R.A.K. raised in the greatest Island Kingdom of Bahrain

  • 🤖 Full Stack AI Prompter Engineer, 2023. ChatGPT | DALL-E | Stability.ai | Replicate | Certified OpenAI Engineer ⌨️

  • 🔭 I’m currently working as a Senior Broadcast Engineer in Bahrain TV since 2001

  • Virtual Director of VG55

  • AlSarya TV Show as Broadcast Game Designer

  • Animator + Lead Developer for alsarya.tv

  • Streamed & Directed many shows since 2001 📺 Enjoy it live

  • 📺 📡 🛰 Live Stream as showcase of how a one-man show supposed to work!™ (May 2022)

Recent Projects ❤️

VG55 2020

[AlSarya TV Show](https://alsarya.tv) 2019 - 2023

Bahrain TV 2001 - 2023

Connect with me:

aldoyh aldoyh

📮 Social Contacts 📬

Todoist Stats

🏆 9,742 Karma Points
🌸 Completed 0 tasks today
✅ Completed 758 tasks so far
⏳ Longest streak is 5 days
📅 Last updated: Thursday, August 31, 2023

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Super 🔋 Powers

AirSDK by Harman actionScript Dart JavaScript PHP


Python Typescript HTML5 Vue SolidJS Material UI Vite NodeJS Express GraphQL Mongo DB MySQL PostgreSQL Firebase Supabase PlanetScale

Languages and Tools

android appwrite arduino codeigniter coffeescript dart figma firebase flutter framer gcp git haskell ifttt illustrator invision javascript kafka laravel linux mongodb mysql nestjs nextjs nginx nodejs openresty photoshop php postman react rust sass solr tailwind xd zapier

waves of tech ahead

this personal profile represents my role as a `sole developer`. Hand-crafted by Bahrain's 🇧🇭 Finest Web Artisans ⦿ inspired by @doytech | version 1.5.2023.09.15 -> 2.2024.05.19

صفحة شخصية لأعمالي الشخصية والإحترافية في كل من القطاع العام والخاص، المهم ليس فيما ستأخذ بل من أين أخذته؟ **حفاظك على المُلكية الفكرية لغيرك هي كافية لحماية حقوقك.**

--- This profile was inspired by several others. 😘 awesome-README && todoist-readme && benjaminsampica