
Sample vert.x app configured for CloudFoundry deployment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vert.x Sample Application on CloudFoundry

This is a sample project that shows how to run a vert.x application on CloudFoundry. The running application can be seen at http://vertx-vtoons.cloudfoundry.com/.


vert.x is a framework for for developing asynchronous event-driven applications in a variety of languages, including Java, Groovy, Ruby, JavaScript, and Python.


CloudFoundry recently added support for stand-alone applications, which includes the ability to run applications in containers and frameworks that are not yet fully supported by CloudFoundry.

Even more recently, CloudFoundry added support for running Java 7 applications. vert.x requires a Java 7 runtime environment, so the addition of Java 7 support now makes it possible to run vert.x applications on CloudFoundry.

Sample Application

The vert.x web site include a set of tutorials in several languages. This sample app is based on the Groovy tutorial application. For more details on this application and how to use it, refer to the tutorial pages. The rest of this README will only refer to changes made to the tutorial app to support CloudFoundry.

Configuration for CloudFoundry

Web Server

For simplicity, the configuration of the web server in the tutorial application is hard-coded to localhost:8080:

def webServerConf = [
    port: 8080,
    host: 'localhost'

// Start the web server, with the config we defined above
container.deployVerticle('web-server', webServerConf);

In order to run on CloudFoundry, the application must use the host name and port provided by CloudFoundry. This code reads the host name and port from the CloudFoundry environment, defaulting to localhost:8080 if the CloudFoundry environment is not detected:

def webServerConf = [
    port: (container.env['VCAP_APP_PORT'] ?: '8080') as int,
    host: container.env['VCAP_APP_HOST'] ?: 'localhost',

// Start the web server, with the config we defined above
container.deployVerticle('web-server', webServerConf);


The tutorial app uses MongoDB as a back-end data store. No configuration is given for the MongoDB connection, so the default host and port are used by the MongoDB vert.x busmod.

When the application is pushed to CloudFoundry, it is bound to a MongoDB service. The connection parameters for the MongoDB service must also be read from the environment, defaulting if the CloudFoundry environment is not detected:

// Configuration for MongoDb 
def mongoConf = [:]

if (container.env['VCAP_SERVICES']) {
    def vcapEnv = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(container.env['VCAP_SERVICES'])

    vcapEnv['mongodb-1.8'].credentials.with {
        mongoConf.host = host[0]
        mongoConf.port = port[0] as int
        mongoConf.db_name = db[0]
        mongoConf.username = username[0]
        mongoConf.password = password[0]


SSL and HTTPS on CloudFoundry is tricky. In order to simplify this example, the SSL support was removed from the tutorial application.

vert.x Distribution

A full vert.x distribution (available on the Downloads page of the vert.x web site) must be pushed to CloudFoundry along with the application. A vert.x distribution is included in the vert.x directory of this project.

Pushing the Application to CloudFoundry

Since this sample application uses Groovy, no compilation of the application files is required. The application files, along with the vert.x distribution can be pushed to CloudFoundry using the vmc push command:

> vmc push vertx-vtoons
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: y
Detected a Standalone Application, is this correct? [Yn]: y
1: java
2: java7
3: node
4: node06
5: ruby18
6: ruby19
Select Runtime [ruby18]: 2
Selected java7
Start Command: vert.x/bin/vertx run App.groovy
Application Deployed URL [None]: vertx-vtoons.cloudfoundry.com
Memory reservation (128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [64M]: 128M
How many instances? [1]: 
Bind existing services to 'vt2'? [yN]: n
Create services to bind to 'vt2'? [yN]: y
1: mongodb
2: mysql
3: postgresql
4: rabbitmq
5: redis
What kind of service?: 1
Specify the name of the service [mongodb-771fd]: mongodb-vtoons
Create another? [yN]: n
Would you like to save this configuration? [yN]: y
Manifest written to manifest.yml.
Creating Application: OK
Binding Service [mongodb-vtoons]: OK
Uploading Application:
    Checking for available resources: OK
    Processing resources: OK
    Packing application: OK
    Uploading (43K): OK   
Push Status: OK
Staging Application 'vertx-vtoons': OK                                                   
Starting Application 'vertx-vtoons': OK

The important responses the vmc push prompts are these:

  • Choose Standalone Application
  • Choose java7 runtime
  • Set the Start Command as shown
  • Set the Memory reservation to at least 128M
  • Create a new MongoDB service to bind the application to

Note that if you copy this project and try to push it, you will have to change the name to something other than vertx-vtoons.

Comments, Feedback, Questions

Any comments, questions, or feedback can be sent to @scottyfred.