
⚡ Add custom links to an RSS feed

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Zap-It ⚡

Lightweight web-app to add links to an RSS feed.

Background here: I enjoy Miniflux. Zap-It, together with an iOS/macOS Shortcut, allows me to add web links to an RSS feed; Miniflux will pull items from the feed, fetch them (relying on its "Fetch original content" option) and add to my timeline. This quickly allow me to archive pages and/or read them later.

Run it

The simplest way to run zap-it is through Docker. See below for how to build it using nix.


Docker images are published at ghcr.io/aldur/zap-it:main.

If you are using docker-compose, you can run it as follows:

  restart: on-failure:5
  container_name: zap_it
  image: ghcr.io/aldur/zap-it:main
    <<: *default-env-kv
    DATABASE_URL: "sqlite:/zap/db.sqlite"
    DOMAIN: "https://zap.${DOMAIN}"
    - ./zap/:/zap


Configure the following environmental variables:

  • DATABASE_URL: points to the sqlite DB path
  • DOMAIN: fully qualified domain (including https://), required by the RSSv2 specification.
  • LISTEN_IFACE: listen interface
  • LISTEN_PORT: listen port

Access control

This web-app keeps things as simple as possible, and expects access control mechanisms to be implemented above it.

For instance, nginx (or another reverse proxy) let us configure Authelia or HTTP basic auth to protect the exposed routes.

Alternatively, Tailscale funnel can expose specific routes and take care of both HTTPS and access control.

nginx reverse proxy and HTTP basic authentication

In the following example, we set up nginx as a reverse proxy for a Docker container running zap_it, protect it through HTTP basic auth and only expose the /add route -- since the RSS reader will fetch feed.xml directly through Docker's internal network.

# ...
    auth_basic           "Zap";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/zap.htpasswd;

    # NOTE: We don't need to expose `feed.xml`, since `miniflux` will route
    # through the Docker network directly.
    location = /feed.xml {
        deny all;

    location = /add {
        set $upstream_app zap_it;
        set $upstream_port 3000;
        set $upstream_proto http;
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;

    # Disable basic auth for assets.
    location = /assets/link-solid.png {
        auth_basic off;
        include /etc/nginx/snippets/base_proxy.conf;
        set $upstream_app zap_it;
        set $upstream_port 3000;
        set $upstream_proto http;
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;



Point your RSS header to /feed.xml.

curl http://localhost:3000/feed.xml

Add a new link

Issue an HTTP POST to /add, providing a json object including the link and title keys:

curl --json '{"link":  "https://github.com/aldur/zap-it", "title": "Zap-It ⚡"}' http://localhost:3000/add

Build it

If using nix:

nix build
nix run


Use sqlx to create a local DB. We'll also initialize migrations and prepare query metadata for offline/compile runtime checks.

sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
cargo sqlx prepare  # add metadata to `.sqlx`

# Then, since the CI enforces up-to-date metadata:
git add `.sqlx`

Docker image

Through nix:

nix build .#dockerImage && ./result | docker load