/src/resplanner /benchmarks/IPC/zenotravel/domain.pddl /benchmarks/IPC/zenotravel/pfile1 --resilient 1 --dump-resilient-policy 1
/src/resplanner /benchmarks/Res/rockect/domain.pddl /benchmarks/Res/rocket/pfilep1.pddl --resilient 2 --dump-resilient-policy 1 --dump-resilient-nodes 1
./src/resplanner <domain> <problem> OPTIONS
--resilient K
Number of maximum faults allowed
--verbose 1/0
Verbose mode
--max-iterations N
Limit the iterations of the algorithm
--plan-to-file 1/0
Dump the resilient plan to a file
--dump-branches 1/0
Print branches of the replan to a JSON file
--dump-resilient-policy 1/0
Print resilient policy to a JSON file
--dump-resilient-nodes 1/0
Print all resilient nodes found
--print-memory-replan-progression 1/0
Print memory usage for every replan
The full documentation can be found [here](html/index.html).