
Homework for Software Cognitive Radio due to 9/5/17, energy detection method applied to known sequences

Primary LanguageJava


Homework for SCR course (Software Cognitive Radio) due to 9/5/17, energy detection method applied to sampled sequences with different SNR values (each one of the 3 sequences has 4 Signal to Noise Ratio sample files).

HwMain class examines the 3 sequences (each one with 4 different SNR observations) stored in the "Sequenze_SDR_2015/Sequenza" folder, to detect the presence of useful signal inside white gaussian noise.

The 4 SNR values at which the sequences are observed are [-3, -2, -8, -13] (dB).

PS: The true/false print may not be correct in some particular cases (very similar percentages but in a not increasing order), in this case examine the numeric output of the main function to draw correct conclusions.

Course website: http://host.uniroma3.it/laboratori/sp4te/teaching/sdr.html