Next.js with Tailwind CSS starter

This is a Next.js example that you can use with create-next-app. You'll get a next starter with:

Get Started

npx create-next-app your-app-name --example

What got added?

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS configured with JIT mode.

The Tailwind stylesheet (tailwind\tailwind.css) is imported globally (in _app.js).

The Tailwind configuration has been extended to include Tailwind Forms.

The default font has been changed to Inter, and the font's stylesheet is added to the <head> in _app.js.

Finally, an example custom color has been added to the config, along with am example of it being used on the index page.

// tailwind.config.js
theme: {
  extend: {
    colors: {
    'palevioletred': '#DB7093'

// index.js
<h1 className="bg-palevioletred">...</h1>


Including examples of both pages (e.g. index.ts) and an API route (e.g. hello.ts).

The project's baseUrl has also been set so you can use absolute imports.

ESLint and Prettier

ESLint is configured with Next's strict ruleset, as well as a Prettier integration (make sure you update your code style in .prettierrc).

Three new scripts have been added to package.json that run eslint/prettier.

yarn format # run prettier and apply rules
yarn lint # run eslint in report mode
yarn lint:fix # or run it in fix mode

VS Code

The workspace has a few default settings (if you don't like them delete/change the settings.json file in the .vscode folder):