
This is a test of node API running on a docker container

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live Demo:

API home

API Password

API Spanish Password

API German Password

API Flexy Password

API Hash Password

API Password Help

API Trump Giphy


Simple API to return my details


Running app locally

docker build -f Dockerfile -t morsisdivine:alejandroapi .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080  -d morsisdivine:alejandroapi

Run app from dockerimage

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080  -d morsisdivine/alejandroapi

Running tests


newman run Guarded\ Scrubland\ Password\ API.postman_collection.json --env-var url='http://localhost:8080'


newman run Guarded\ Scrubland\ Password\ API.postman_collection.json --env-var url='https://guarded-scrubland-78590.herokuapp.com'

Performance test

cd k6
k6 run --vus 10 --duration 30s perf.spec.js


- / => give the name of the API
- /words => provides a password
- /palabras => provides a password in Spanish
- /worts => provides a password in German
- /giphy/:term => search the top 10 giphy of that kind
- /api/password?number=5&language=palabras&special=true => provides a password in spanish with special characters
- /api/hash?password=mypassword => provides a SHA512 password created with mkpasswd

Heroku load

- heroku login
- heroku container:login || docker login --username=_ --password=$(heroku auth:token) registry.heroku.com
- heroku create

- heroku container:push web --app <heroku_app_name>
  * heroku container:push web --app guarded-scrubland-78590
- docker tag <image> registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>
- docker push registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>