Lab 4 project template


  • scheduler.c: template file to complete to implement the scheduler
  • example input to test the FIFO scheduler
  • example_fifo.out: expected output when running ./scheduler.out 0 FIFO
  • example_fifo_analysis.out: expected output when running ./scheduler.out 1 FIFO
  • example input to test the FIFO scheduler
  • example_sjf.out: expected output when running ./scheduler.out 0 SJF
  • example_sjf_analysis.out: expected output when running ./scheduler.out 1 SJF


The scheduler.c file already contains some useful functions pertaining the implementation of a linked list (as requested by the assignment), reading the content of a workload file, and prototypes of functions implementing the FIFO scheduler and the FIFO scheduler analysis. You will need to fill in those functions, and create additional ones to implement the SJF scheduler and the SJF scheduler analysis. Please note that you will also need to add a Makefile; running make in your project directory should produce the scheduler.out executable.

Note on testing

The test input is provided for your convenience only; when grading, we may run the scheduler on different inputs. If your code runs correctly on the provided inputs but fails on other ones, you will still lose points. You are encouraged to test your code with different inputs, and to write your own tests. You can use the example files as inspiration for those.

A quick way to test your program is to use the diff command. For example, to compare the output of your program with the expected output for the FIFO scheduler, you can run:

./scheduler.out 0 FIFO > my_output_fifo.out
diff my_output_fifo.out example_fifo.out

If the diff command does not produce any output, it means that your program produced the expected output. Otherwise, the diff command will show you the differences between the two files. You can also use the diff command to compare the output of your program with the expected output for the FIFO scheduler analysis, and for the SJF scheduler and SJF scheduler analysis.

If you find it convenient, you may decided to create a test Makefile target that runs the scheduler on all the provided inputs, and compares the output with the expected output. This is not required, but it may be useful to you.