gochecks package provides utilities to check services health and publish events. It is written fully in Go.
It includes:
checks scheduler
add checks results
various checks:
- Tcp port
- ICMP/Ping
- http
- snmp get
- rabbitmq queue len
- Arris C4 CMTS temp
- JunOS devices cpu usage and temp
- MySQL connectivity
- Jenkins jobs status
- RabbitMQ / AMQP
go get github.com/aleasoluciones/gochecks
Create a Checks Engine with two publisher (rabbit and log)
checkEngine := gochecks.NewCheckEngine([]gochecks.CheckPublisher{
gochecks.RabbitMqPublisher("amqp://localhost", "events"),
Add a periodic (20 seconds) http check with up to three retries, tagging the result as production and adding some attributes.
gochecks.NewHttpChecker("golang", "http", "http://www.golang.org", 200).
Attributes(map[string]string{"version": "1", "network": "google"}).
Retry(3, 1*time.Second),
20 * time.Second)
To pass the integration tests you need to execute a MySQL server, a Postgres server and a RabbitMQ Server and export the corresponding vars.
The directory dev/ offers two scripts and an environment file to achieve this easily:
source dev/env_develop
go test -tags integration -v ./...
- Metric for all the checks