CrelateClient - the Ruby gem for the Crelate API Reference
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build crelate_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./crelate_client-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./crelate_client-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'crelate_client', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'crelate_client', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'crelate_client'
api_instance =
company_id = "company_id_example" # String | identifier
api_key = "api_key_example" # String | crelate api key
#delete a company
result = api_instance.public_api_delete_account(company_id, api_key)
p result
rescue CrelateClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling CompaniesApi->public_api_delete_account: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_delete_account | DELETE /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId} | delete a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_delete_account_attachment | DELETE /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | delete an attachment for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_delete_account_note | DELETE /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/notes/{noteId} | delete a note for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_delete_account_task | DELETE /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/tasks/{taskId} | delete a task for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_account | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId} | retrieve a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_account_attachment | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | get the content of a specific attachment for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_account_attachments | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/attachments | get all attachment metadata for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_account_note | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/notes/{noteId} | retrieve a note for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_account_task | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/tasks/{taskId} | get a task for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_get_accounts | GET /api/pub/v1/companies/recent | retrieve a list of companies updated within a certain time frame |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_post_account | POST /api/pub/v1/companies | create a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_post_account_attachment | POST /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/attachments | add an attachment to a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_post_account_note | POST /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/notes | create a note for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_post_account_task | POST /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/tasks | create a task for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_put_account | PUT /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId} | update a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_put_account_note | PUT /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/notes/{noteId} | update a note for a company |
CrelateClient::CompaniesApi | public_api_put_account_task | PUT /api/pub/v1/companies/{companyId}/tasks/{taskId} | update a task for a company |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_delete_contact | DELETE /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId} | delete a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_delete_contact_attachment | DELETE /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | delete an attachment for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_delete_contact_job | DELETE /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/jobs/{jobId} | delete a contact from a job for the recruiting workflow |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_delete_contact_note | DELETE /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | delete a note for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_delete_contact_task | DELETE /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/tasks/{taskId} | delete a task for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId} | retrieve a contact by id |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_attachment | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | get the content of a specific attachment for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_attachments | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/attachments | get all attachment metadata for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_jobs | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/jobs | get jobs for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_note | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | get a note for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_placements | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/placements | Get placements associated with a job Please Note: TimeToFill is the amount of Days it took to fill the position |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contact_task | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/tasks/{taskId} | get a task for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contacts | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts/recent | retrieve a list of contact updated within a certain time frame |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_get_contacts_by_email | GET /api/pub/v1/contacts | retrieve a list of contacts by email |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_post_contact | POST /api/pub/v1/contacts | create a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_post_contact_attachment | POST /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/attachments | add an attachment to a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_post_contact_job | POST /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/jobs/{jobId} | move a contact into a job for the first time |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_post_contact_note | POST /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/notes | create a note for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_post_contact_task | POST /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/tasks | save a task for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_put_contact | PUT /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId} | update a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_put_contact_job_status | PUT /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/jobs/{jobId} | update job stage for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_put_contact_note | PUT /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | update a note for a contact |
CrelateClient::ContactsApi | public_api_put_contact_task | PUT /api/pub/v1/contacts/{contactId}/tasks/{taskId} | update a task for a contact |
CrelateClient::DomainApi | public_api_get_document_types | GET /api/pub/v1/domain/documentTypes | returns a list of attachment types |
CrelateClient::DomainApi | public_api_get_domain_category_tags | GET /api/pub/v1/domain/tagCategories | get category tags |
CrelateClient::DomainApi | public_api_get_domain_workflow_statuses | GET /api/pub/v1/domain/workflowStatuses | get workflow status information |
CrelateClient::DomainApi | public_api_get_domain_workflow_types | GET /api/pub/v1/domain/workflowTypes | get workflow types |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_delete_job_postings | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/{jobId} | delete a job posting |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_get_job_posting | GET /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/{jobId} | retrieve a job posting |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_get_job_postings | GET /api/pub/v1/jobPostings | retrieve a list of all job postings |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_get_recent_job_postings | GET /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/recent | retrieve a list of job postings updated within a certain time frame |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_post_job_posting_application | POST /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/{jobId}/applications | create a job application |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_put_job_posting | GET /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/search | search job postings |
CrelateClient::JobPostingsApi | public_api_put_job_posting_0 | PUT /api/pub/v1/jobPostings/{jobId} | update a job posting |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_delete_job | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId} | delete a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_delete_job_attachment | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | delete an attachment for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_delete_job_contact | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/contacts/{contactId} | delete a contact from a job for the recruiting workflow |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_delete_job_note | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/notes/{noteId} | delete a note for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_delete_job_task | DELETE /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId} | delete a task for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId} | retrieve a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_attachment | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/attachments/{attachmentId} | get content for a specific attachment for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_attachments | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/attachments | get all attachment metadata for a company |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_contacts | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/contacts | get contacts associated with job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_note | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/notes/{noteId} | get a note for a contact |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_placements | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/placements | Get placements associated with a job Please Note: TimeToFill is the amount of Days it took to fill the position |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_job_task | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId} | get a task for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_get_jobs | GET /api/pub/v1/jobs/recent | retrieve a list of jobs updated within a certain time frame |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_post_job | POST /api/pub/v1/jobs | create a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_post_job_attachment | POST /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/attachments | add an attachment to a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_post_job_contact | POST /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/contacts/{contactId} | move a contact into a job for the first time |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_post_job_note | POST /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/notes | create a note for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_post_job_task | POST /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/tasks | create a task for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_put_job | PUT /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId} | update a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_put_job_contact_status | PUT /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/contacts/{contactId} | update job stage for a contact |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_put_job_note | PUT /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/notes/{noteId} | update a note for a job |
CrelateClient::JobsApi | public_api_put_job_task | PUT /api/pub/v1/jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId} | update a task for a job |
CrelateClient::NotesApi | public_api_delete_note | DELETE /api/pub/v1/notes/{noteId} | delete a note |
CrelateClient::NotesApi | public_api_get_note | GET /api/pub/v1/notes/{noteId} | retrieve a note |
CrelateClient::NotesApi | public_api_post_note | POST /api/pub/v1/notes | create a note |
CrelateClient::NotesApi | public_api_put_note | PUT /api/pub/v1/notes/{noteId} | update a note |
CrelateClient::TasksApi | public_api_delete_task | DELETE /api/pub/v1/tasks/{taskId} | delete a task |
CrelateClient::TasksApi | public_api_get_task | GET /api/pub/v1/tasks/{taskId} | retrieve a task |
CrelateClient::TasksApi | public_api_post_task | POST /api/pub/v1/tasks | create a task |
CrelateClient::TasksApi | public_api_put_task | PUT /api/pub/v1/tasks/{taskId} | update a task |
- CrelateClient::AssignedTo
- CrelateClient::AssignedToRequest
- CrelateClient::BoardParameters
- CrelateClient::BroadcastMessage
- CrelateClient::BroadcastMessageCreateRequest
- CrelateClient::Company
- CrelateClient::ComplianceSettingsPayload
- CrelateClient::ConsentRequestPayload
- CrelateClient::CrelateAction
- CrelateClient::CrelateActionPayload
- CrelateClient::CrelateDetails
- CrelateClient::CustomFormCompletedForm
- CrelateClient::CustomFormDefinition
- CrelateClient::CustomFormDefinitionEntities
- CrelateClient::CustomFormFormDefinitionUsage
- CrelateClient::CustomFormFormDefintionUsageJobs
- CrelateClient::CustomFormFormFieldUsage
- CrelateClient::CustomFormFormFieldUsageFormDefinition
- CrelateClient::CustomFormLayoutSection
- CrelateClient::CustomFormSaveResponse
- CrelateClient::DocumentCollection
- CrelateClient::DocumentItem
- CrelateClient::EmailAttachment
- CrelateClient::EntityDocumentOptions
- CrelateClient::EntityLookup
- CrelateClient::ExtIntegrationResponseInterviewResponse
- CrelateClient::ExtReferralRequest
- CrelateClient::ExtResumeCandidate
- CrelateClient::ExtResumeCareerBuilderValidateCredentialsResponse
- CrelateClient::ExtResumeOrgState
- CrelateClient::ExtResumePackagePricing
- CrelateClient::ExtResumePackageUpdateRequest
- CrelateClient::ExtResumeSearchResponse
- CrelateClient::ExtResumeViewResponse
- CrelateClient::FusebillStateItem
- CrelateClient::GetDocumentListOptions
- CrelateClient::InterviewRequest
- CrelateClient::InterviewRequestDetails
- CrelateClient::InterviewResponse
- CrelateClient::JobPostRequest
- CrelateClient::JobResponse
- CrelateClient::MultiEntityLookup
- CrelateClient::OrgAuditLogEvent
- CrelateClient::PostPurchaseRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiAttachmentResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiAttachmentResponseList
- CrelateClient::PublicApiDocumentType
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetAccountResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetAccountResponseList
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetContactJob
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetContactResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetContactResponseList
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobContact
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobListResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobPostingListResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobPostingResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobPostingSearchResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobPostingSearchResult
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetJobResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetNoteResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiGetTaskResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiIdResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiPlacementResponse
- CrelateClient::PublicApiPlacementResponseList
- CrelateClient::PublicApiRecordOwner
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveAccountRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveAttachmentRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveContactRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveJobApplicationRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveJobPostingRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveJobRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveJobRequestJobType
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveNoteRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveTaskRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiSaveWorkflowItemStatusRequest
- CrelateClient::PublicApiTagCategory
- CrelateClient::PublicApiWorkflowStatus
- CrelateClient::PublicApiWorkflowType
- CrelateClient::Question
- CrelateClient::QuestionSetResponse
- CrelateClient::SaveExtCredentialResponse
- CrelateClient::SearchContact
- CrelateClient::SendEmailResponse
- CrelateClient::SendSubmittalDetail
- CrelateClient::ShareLink
- CrelateClient::SignupInformation
- CrelateClient::SmsPlivoMessageReceivedRequest
- CrelateClient::SmsPlivoMessageStatusReceivedRequest
- CrelateClient::SmsPlivoVoiceAnswerRequest
- CrelateClient::SmsPlivoVoiceHangupRequest
- CrelateClient::SparkHireResponseInfoInterviewResponse
- CrelateClient::SparkHireResponseInfoJobResponse
- CrelateClient::SparkHireResponseInfoQuestionSetResponse
- CrelateClient::UserResponse
- CrelateClient::WayupData
- CrelateClient::WebhookDeleteResponse
- CrelateClient::ZipApplyData
All endpoints do not require authorization.