
This is a simple implementation of automaton in Java that works with Strings.


I created this project to implement the languages and automata concepts I was learning in a course at college. You will find the basic operations and algorithms only. This implementation accepts DFA, NDFA, NDFA-λ.

Functionality already implemented

  • Add states (start, normal, trap and finish states).
  • Add transitions.
  • Add lambda transitions (represented as "").
  • Make automaton deterministic.
  • Minimize automaton.
  • Basic operations between automata: Concat automata (regexp: ab). Link automata (regexp: a/b). Closure automaton (regexp: a*).


Just import the class and use.

Code Example

  • Automaton a = new Automaton(); // Basic constructor (check others)
  • a.addState("q0"); // Adds state q0
  • a.makeItStart("q0"); // Makes q0 the starting state
  • a.addState("q1");
  • a.makeItAccept("q1"); // Transforms the q1 state into a final state
  • a.addTransition("a", "q0", "q1"); // Creates a transition with value "a" from q0 to q1
  • a.accept("a"):


There are a few tests in /test where you can see how to use the Automaton class and see some results.