
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Kickstart rails app template (API version)


  1. Install
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Redis key-value server
  • Memcached server
  • ruby using rbenv
  • ruby on rails using gem install rails
  1. Create app using template
rails new APP_NAME --api -T -d postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alec-c4/ks-rails-api/master/template.rb
  1. Create all required accounts:
  1. Configure Appsignal with bundle exec appsignal install APPSIGNAL_KEY

  2. Setup hypershield gem for PostgreSQL

  3. Configure application secrets with following template

  primary_key: ''
  deterministic_key: ''
  key_derivation_salt: ''
secret_key_base: ''
  api_key: ''

You can generate active record encryption keys with following command

bin/rails db:encryption:init
  1. Configure application in config/settings.yml

  2. Configure rack-attack using following guide

What's inside


  • add deployments tools
  • add documentation (howto's, best practices, curated list of libraries)