Create color palettes using the knowledge of millions of designers.
- 1
No suggestions for color
#17 opened by garudkarshubham - 0
#16 opened by alec-chernicki - 0
- 4
Export palette
#1 opened by fluxxus - 1
- 1
Switch keyboard shortcuts to arrow keys
#13 opened by Keavon - 2
TitleContainer is never used.
#11 opened by whitef0x0 - 4
Back button after discarding a colour
#2 opened by MattPua - 0
Add mobile support
#10 opened by whitef0x0 - 0
Add tests and support for travis-ci
#9 opened by whitef0x0 - 2
Tutorial button does nothing
#5 opened by whitef0x0 - 0
- 1
Won't run with node --harmony
#6 opened by whitef0x0