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My Sous API (out-of-state-plates)
A popular minimal server framework for Python

Core tenets of development

YAGNI - you aren't going to need it. move fast and don't optimize early. get feedback and iterate

Postman collection




  • allow users to use without creating account and only force account creation once they're hooked?
  • overview of how to use
  • once user submit's something ask them to share--referral flywheel
  • text preview should be enticing of try this restaurant or look what i ate
  • email and text for account reset
  • email for confirmation they joined

Feature requests

  • individual dishes, drinks, wines, all check-in-able from restaurants
  • sort by city

how it should work

Data acquisition - submit image of menu

  • use ai to divide up menu into items
  • pick restaurant (existing) or create new one restaurant should have


  • discover
    • look up dishes (search location based)
    • look up restaurants (search location based)
      • link reservations and take out order
  • capture
    • user can log meal (pick existing items or add new ones)
      • tag/invite other users in the meal
      • generate an IG story/post
    • log a menu
    • create a restaurant
    • log just an item


What would a subscription include? for users or businesses? for users:

  • save dishes and restaurants to lists
  • curated lists from food influencers
  • sell access to your lists
  • get recipe

for businesses

  • edit access?
  • advertise?
  • create lists
  • sell recipe or link goldbelly?