Some quick investigations on learning docker
On a Windows machine this was a bit of fun. Final install list:
Aborted attempts:
- Console2 and ConEmu - Both had issues with terminal emulation with PuTTY/plink
- plink in standard Cmd terminal without Console2 or ConEmu was less full featured than PuTTY so back to PuTTY
- Watched this and this at 2x speed. It was a decent intro.
- Started with Vagrant Cloud image with docker pre-installed
- Got familiar with the docker commands
- Tried out some adhoc experiments working through a bash shell "-t -i" and the using commit.
- Created an image that ran Apache2
- Looked at Serf and Fig but seems a bit too bleeding edge for now for my needs.
- First attempt at a Dockerfile and it went surprisingly well
- The hardest part was remembering how to make Apache run in the foreground (apachectl -X). In the future I will switch this to Supervisord instead anyway.
- Refactored to keep it generic and pretty standalone
- Added a sample index.html so it's ready to test out of the box
- Added some sample scripts that show running multiple instances with linked document roots to vagrant host machine and Apache logs to VM itself for easy viewing
- Added a base image that this now inherits from