
Bundle the JS and CSS files referenced by your HTML files

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Divergent fork of html-bundle that I made for simple-as-fuck SPA setups. Unfortunately no JS HMR, but it's not a big deal for me.

You should probably just use Vite.


  • ESBuild integration (TypeScript + ESM syntax, code splitting, dynamic imports)
  • LightningCSS integration
  • Browserslist integration
  • HTML entry point scanning
  • JS/CSS bundling
  • import.meta.glob support
  • worker bundling with new URL('./worker.ts', import.meta.url)
  • great for Web Extension development
    • dev server for painless extension reloading
    • run multiple browsers at once (or use --webext=chromium to only run Chrome)
  • --watch mode
    • CSS hot reloading
    • HTML rebuild on JS/HTML changes
    • sets NODE_ENV=development
  • default mode
    • HTML/JS/CSS minification
    • critical CSS extraction (via isCritical option or --critical flag)
    • sets NODE_ENV=production


Before running html-bundle, you should move your HTML files into the src/ directory and use relative paths for JS/CSS references inside your HTML files.

# Run in development mode
pnpm html-bundle --watch

# Run in production mode
pnpm html-bundle

If you want TypeScript to recognize import.meta.glob calls, you can add the following to your tsconfig.json file.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["esnext"],
    "types": ["@alloc/html-bundle/client.d.ts"]


The bundle.config.js file allows for customization.

export default {
  // Browserslist targets.
  targets: ['defaults', 'not IE 11'],
  // Input and output directories.
  src: './src',
  build: './build',
  // Tool-specific options.
  esbuild: {...},
  lightningcss: {...},
  // If true, will extract critical CSS from the HTML files.
  isCritical: false,
  // If true, will delete the build directory before building.
  deletePrev: false,