The fastest tool to download ALL videos in any format.
Includes pro and revised videos.
Skips existing files.
This script requires the ability to run a Clojure file, which in turn depends on the Java run time.
Running a Clojure clj file
Download the latest Clojure jar file.
Alias clj to java -cp clojure-1.5.1.jar clojure.main
Run the clj file like this:
clj my-script.clj
Homebrew has a Clojure formula that automates the above process.
Log into
Click the Manage Subscription link.
Copy the "RSS Feed" link.
Run the railscast-download.clj script from the command line:
clj railscast-download.clj -rss your-rss-link -type media-format
Where media-format is one of: mp4, m4v, webm or ogv
The default media format is mp4 - the -type argument can be left out in this case.