
Curated Searches of TheyWorkForYou for Civil Society and Digital Rights purposes.

Primary LanguagePerl

They Search For You

One of the most useful websites in British politics is They Work For You which:

takes open data from the UK Parliament, and presents it in a way that’s easy to follow – for everyone. So now you can check, with just a few clicks: are They Working For You?

...but building complex searches for civil society matters, and accessing such searches in a consistent way (RSS is handy, but sometimes you want to look something up right now and on a mobile device) can be challenging.

Thus: They Search For You β€” curated search for civil society purposes.

RSS Feeds and OPML

All searches cite associated RSS feeds, however on occasion the search query which powers those feeds may be improved or updated, and you will not receive warning of those changes because the feed comes from TheyWorkForYou and resubscription will be necessary.

To help address this, we publish two resources:

...so from time to time you should be able to delete all feeds and re-import them via OPML, watching the Update feed for a trigger.

important: if you download the OPML file, beware that your browser might add or replace the .opml suffix with .txt.

Suggestions and Improvements

If you would like to see something added or removed, please log an issue (Github account required) or message me on Twitter.

nb: I am aware that the search keyword syntax I've written is much more limited than the TWFY website allows, and that in a couple of places I am kludging around this; for the moment I am content, and will see how it develops.


If you would like to try the same thing bug for Twitter, see: Ready Made Twitter Searches.


Acts, Bills, Regulations, and Directives: related terms


search terms

* "data protection and digital information"
* "data reform bill"
* "digital economy act"
* "digital economy bill"
* "digital markets act"
* "digital services act"
* "eprivacy"
* "internet governance"
* "investigatory powers"
* "national security act"
* "national security bill"
* "online harms"
* "online safety"

Age Verification companies, and related terms


search terms

* "age appropriate design"
* "age assurance"
* "age inappropriate"
* "age verification providers association"
* "age verification"
* "avpa"
* "dragonflai"
* "pas 1296"
* "trustelevate"
* "verification of children"
* "verime"
* "voco"
* "yoti"
* ( "digital economy act" "part 3" )
* ( "digital economy bill" "part 3" )

Attempting to Reboot Digital Economy Act Part 3


search terms

* ( "digital economy act" "part 3" )
* ( "digital economy bill" "part 3" )

Child Sexual Abuse Imagery, and related terms


search terms

* "5rights"
* "breadcrumbing"
* "cccis"
* "centre to end all sexual exploitation"
* "ceop"
* "child pornography"
* "children's charities' coalition"
* "childrens charities' coalition"
* "csai"
* "csam"
* "csea"
* "csem"
* "grooming"
* "iioc"
* "ijm"
* "indecent images"
* "international justice mission"
* "iwf"
* "marie collins"
* "ncmec"
* "neuralhash"
* "neuralmatch"
* "photodna"
* "uk safer internet"

Civil Society organisations, and related terms


search terms

* "big brother watch"
* "british computer society"
* "computer science"
* "digital literacy"
* "open rights group"
* "reset.tech"

Data Protection


search terms

* "data protection"
* "ico"
* "information commissioner"
* "information commissioner's"
* "information commissioners"
* "schrems"

Digital Identity Cards


search terms

* "digital id"
* "digital identity"
* "id card"
* "id cards"
* "identity card"
* "identity cards"

Encryption and Encrypted Services


search terms

* "cryptographic"
* "cryptography"
* "dark net"
* "dark web"
* "darknet"
* "darkweb"
* "deep web"
* "deepweb"
* "dns-over-http"
* "dns-over-https"
* "doh"
* "encrypt"
* "encrypted"
* "encryption"
* "tor browser"
* "vpn"
* "vpns"



search terms

* "amazon"
* "apple"
* "facebook"
* "google"
* "instagram"
* "microsoft"
* "whatsapp"
* "youtube"

Gig Economy


search terms

* "deliveroo"
* "gig economy"
* "just eat"
* "uber"

Information Security and Cyber


search terms

* "cyber"
* "cyberattack"
* "cyberattacks"
* "cyberbully"
* "cyberbullying"
* "cybercrime"
* "cybercrimes"
* "cybersecurity"
* "cyberwar"
* "disinformation"
* "hack and leak"
* "hacker"
* "hacking" -"lord hacking"
* "infosec"
* "internet security"
* "network security"
* "telecoms security"
* "whistleblowers"
* "whistleblowing"

Intelligence Agencies, and related terms


search terms

* "cesg"
* "gchq"
* "national crime agency"
* "national cyber security centre"
* "ncsc"
* "nsa"

Internet of Things


search terms

* "internet of things"
* "iot"
* "roomba"

Machine Learning


search terms

* "ai"
* "artificial intelligence"
* "image classifier"
* "image classifiers"
* "machine learning"

Messenger Apps


search terms

* "facebook messenger"
* "messaging apps"
* "sms"
* "telegram"
* "text messaging"
* "viber"
* "whatsapp"

Meta Platforms


search terms

* "facebook"
* "instagram"
* "metaverse"
* "whatsapp"

People: Corporate


search terms

* "jack dorsey"
* "nick clegg"
* "sandberg"
* "zuckerberg"

People: Pundits and Civil Society


search terms

* "andy burrows"
* "clare mcglynn"
* "frances haugen"
* "heather burns"
* "iain corby"
* "jim killock"
* "john carr"
* "lorna woods"
* "lynn perry"
* "poppy wood"
* "rachel de souza"
* "shoshana zuboff"
* "silkie carlo"
* "sonia livingstone"
* "william perrin"

People: Topics


search terms

* "berners lee"

Profane Websites


search terms

* "4chan"
* "8chan"
* "bitchute"
* "brandnewtube"
* "gab"
* "mindgeek"
* "omegle"
* "onlyfans"
* "parler"
* "pornhub"

Social Media


search terms

* "bumble"
* "discord"
* "facebook"
* "fortnite"
* "imgur"
* "instagram"
* "onlyfans"
* "reddit"
* "snapchat"
* "telegram"
* "tiktok"
* "twitch"
* "twitter"
* "viber"
* "vk"
* "whatsapp"
* "youtube"

Socially Problematic Content


search terms

* "algorithms"
* "cross-platform harms"
* "disinformation"
* "fake news"
* "free speech"
* "harmful content"
* "hate speech"
* "revenge porn"
* "vawg"

Stop The Boats


search terms

* "small boat"
* "small boats"
* "stop the boats"
* "stopping the boats"

Trite Expressions


search terms

* "illegal offline"
* "illegal online"
* "privacy by design"
* "safe by design"
* "safety by design"
* "secure by design"
* "security by design"
* "surveillance capitalism"
* "wild west"
* ( illegal offline online )
* ( prohibited offline online )
* ( unacceptable offline online )



search terms

* "babylon"
* "darktrace"
* "deliveroo"
* "graphcore"
* "just eat"
* "monzo"
* "onetrust"
* "revolut"
* "starling"
* "sumup"