This folder contains the source code for Star-Kalman tracking for vessel in Ultrasoun as described in:
@inproceedings{crimi2014vessel, title={Vessel tracking for ultrasound-based venous pressure measurement}, author={Crimi, Alessandro and Makhinya, Maxim and Baumann, Ulrich and Sz{'e}kely, G{'a}bor and Goksel, Orcun}, booktitle={2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)}, pages={306--309}, year={2014}, organization={IEEE} }
Version 0.1
The scripts assume there is available a video ultrasound streaming, a pressure streaming, and a manual annotation of the vessel giving the ground truth. Respectively those are given in a VPR files ( pressure streaming) and SXI for the ultrasound streaming or manual annotations.
Example of use: assuming we have two files as test.vpr and test.sxi test_star_kalman('test'); This is the semi-automatic version of the algorithm, therefore remember to initialize the tracking as shown in the picture initialization.png To run this example you need to download the ultrasound streaming (test.sxi) from For the full complete version, with the automatic initialization step, please refer to the C++ implementation.
The test_star_kalman.m script iterates through the whole streaming given in those files. This is a public function which calls the main algorithm which is performed frame by frame. There are also two wrap functions to run over the entire dataset acquired at USZ: global_script.m and star_kalman_wrap.m
There are two subfolders:
main_alg, which contains the core algorithm star_kalman.m and supporting script of it.
lib, which contains other scripts used to add affine-flow compensation and to read other format of ultrasound streaming: affine_flow.m of David Young dftregistration.m of Ann M. Kowalczyk uread.m of Paul Otto
All code is given freely as GNU/General Public License v. 3.0