

Primary LanguagePython

Current progress on our Malaria project

The idea is to have a complete system for acquisition, detection and report of malaria cases


Acquisition is carried out by blood smear stained with Giemsa (protocol below) and visualized on a microscope with USB camera. Captured images and then processed and feeded to a pretrained DeepLearning architecture. Ultimately the diagnosis is mapped on a GIS system by using ArcPy. The deeplearning architecture should run on a normal PC, a RaspberryPI or be integrated into an Android app.

Giemsa Staining (thin film protocol):

GoogleColab with VGG19 without finetuning: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1CUcsmtg9S9ryJZAZrQsAf7e5ouUK4gL8#scrollTo=-NJ2CxM2Rf5d

to do:

  1. Testing other blood samples
  2. Retrain thick smear samples
  3. Android app
  4. Connection to ArcGIS server (consider migrating to AWS by using GeoDjango https://realpython.com/location-based-app-with-geodjango-tutorial/ )
  5. Write cell extraction using SK-image