
BE Mod 2 Week 1 Solo Project

Learning Goals


  • Implement CRUD functionality for a resource using forms (form_tag or form_for), buttons, and links
  • Use MVC to organize code effectively, limiting the amount of logic included in views and controllers
  • Create routes for
  • standalone resources
  • nested resources
  • Template a view in Rails using a templating language (eg, erb)
  • Implement CRUD functionality for nested resources


  • Create instance methods on a Rails model that use ActiveRecord associations
  • Use built-in ActiveRecord methods to:
  • create, read, update, and destroy records in a database
  • create records with relationships to other records in a database


  • Describe Database Relationships, including the following terms:
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • One to Many
  • Write migrations to create tables and relationships between tables
  • Describe ORMs and their advantages and use cases

Testing and Debugging

  • Write feature tests utilizing:
  • RSpec and Capybara
  • CSS selectors to target specific areas of a page
  • Use Pry or Byebug in Rails files to get more information about an error
  • Use save_and_open_page to view the HTML generated when visiting a path in a feature test
  • Utilize the Rails console as a tool to get more information about the current state of a development database
  • Use rails routes to get additional information about the routes that exist in a Rails application


  • Create basic Web Pages using the following tags
  • <h1>, <h2>, etc.
  • <p>
  • <body>
  • <a> and the href attribute
  • <img> and the src attribute
  • <div>
  • <section>
  • <ul>, <ol>, and <li>
  • <form>
  • <input>
  • Select HTML elements using classes and ids

Web Applications

  • Describe the HTTP request/response cycle
  • Describe the different parts of HTTP requests and responses


  • must use Rails 5.1.x
  • must use PostgreSQL
  • must "handroll" all routes (no use of resources syntax)
  • must use form_tag for all forms (no use of form_for)


  • use FactoryBot to speed up your test development
  • use "rails generators" to speed up your app development

Not Permitted

  • do not use JavaScript for pagination or sorting controls


  • if there is a specific gem you'd like to use in the project, please get permission from your instructors firs

User Stories

[ ] done

User Story 1, Deploy your application to Heroku

As a visitor or user of the site
I will perform all user stories
By visiting the application on Heroku.
Localhost is fine for development, but
the application must be hosted on Heroku.


Merchants are organizations/companies who sell items on our site (as opposed to individual people/users)

[ ] done

User Story 2, Merchant Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/merchants'
Then I see the name of each merchant in the system
[ ] done

User Story 3, Merchant Show

As a visitor
When I visit '/merchants/:id'
Then I see the merchant with that id including the merchant's:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
[ ] done

User Story 4, Merchant Creation

As a visitor
When I visit the Merchant Index page
Then I see a link to create a new merchant
When I click this link
Then I am taken to '/merchants/new' where I  see a form for a new merchant
When I fill out the form with a new merchant's:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/merchants',
a new merchant is created,
and I am redirected to the Merchant Index page where I see the new Merchant listed.
[ ] done

User Story 5, Merchant Update

As a visitor
When I visit a merchant show page
Then I see a link to update the merchant
When I click the link
Then I am taken to '/merchants/:id/edit' where I  see a form to edit the merchant's data including:
- name
- address
- city
- state
- zip
When I fill out the form with updated information
And I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/merchants/:id',
the merchant's info is updated,
and I am redirected to the Merchant's Show page where I see the merchant's updated info
[ ] done

User Story 6, Merchant Delete

As a visitor
When I visit a merchant show page
Then I see a link to delete the merchant
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/merchants/:id',
the merchant is deleted,
and I am redirected to the merchant index page where I no longer see this merchant


Items are sold on the site. They belong to a merchant.

[ ] done

User Story 7, Item Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/items'
Then I see each Item in the system including the Item's:
- name
- description
- price
- image
- active/inactive status
- inventory
- the name of the merchant that sells the item
[ ] done

User Story 8, Merchant Items Index

As a visitor
When I visit '/merchants/:merchant_id/items'
Then I see each Item that belongs to the Merchant with that merchant_id including the Item's:
- name
- price
- image
- active/inactive status
- inventory
[ ] done

User Story 9, Item Show

As a visitor
When I visit '/items/:id'
Then I see the item with that id including the item's:
- name
- active/inactive status
- price
- description
- image
- inventory
- the name of the merchant that sells the item
[ ] done

User Story 10, Merchant Item Creation

As a visitor
When I visit a Merchant Items Index page
Then I see a link to add a new item for that merchant
When I click the link
I am taken to '/merchants/:merchant_id/items/new' where I see a form to add a new item
When I fill in the form with the item's:
- name
- price
- description
- image
- inventory
Then a `POST` request is sent to '/merchants/:merchant_id/items',
a new item is created for that merchant,
that item has a status of 'active',
and I am redirected to the Merchant Items Index page where I see the new item
[ ] done

User Story 11, Item Update

As a visitor
When I visit an Item Show page
Then I see a link to update that Item
When I click the link
I am taken to '/items/:id/edit' where I see a form to edit the item's data including:
- name
- price
- description
- image
- inventory
When I click the button to submit the form
Then a `PATCH` request is sent to '/items/:id',
the item's data is updated,
and I am redirected to the Item Show page where I see the Item's updated information
[ ] done

User Story 12, Item Delete

As a visitor
When I visit an item show page
Then I see a link to delete the item
When I click the link
Then a 'DELETE' request is sent to '/items/:id',
the item is deleted,
and I am redirected to the item index page where I no longer see this item


Users should be able to use the site easily. This means making sure there are links/buttons to reach all parts of the site and the styling/layout is sensible.

[ ] done

User Story 13, Merchant Links

As a visitor
When I click on the name a merchant anywhere on the site
Then that link takes me to that Merchant's show page
[ ] done

User Story 14, Item Links

As a visitor
When I click on the name a item anywhere on the site
Then that link takes me to that Item's show page
[ ] done

User Story 15, Item Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Item Index
[ ] done

User Story 16, Merchant Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I see a link at the top of the page that takes me to the Merchant Index
[ ] done

User Story 17, Merchant Item Index Link

As a visitor
When I visit a merchant show page ('/merchants/:id')
Then I see a link to take me to that merchant's items page ('/merchants/:id/items')
[ ] done

User Story 18, Styling

As a visitor
When I visit any page on the site
Then I should see a reasonably well styled page


[ ] done

User Story 19, Item Filter by Active Status

As a visitor
When I visit a Merchant Items Index page
Then I see a link to show only active items
And I also see a link to show only inactive items
When I click the link
Then my path is something like '/merchants/:merchant_id/items?active=true'
And I see only the Items sold by the merchant that are active/inactive.
[ ] done

User Story 20, Change Item's Active Status

As a visitor
When I visit an Item Show page
Then I see a link to change the Item's active status
Active items should have the link "deactivate"
Inactive items should have the link "activate"
When I click the link
Then a 'PATCH' request is sent to '/items/:id/activate' or 'items/:id/deactivate' (depending on the link)
and I am redirected to the Item Show page where I see the active status has been toggled