
This project will simulate an application that generates the bills and writes them into kafka queue. The objects written into kafka will be avro objects. A customer serializer was written for that.

How to start the entire application

Projects involved:

  1. bills-generator (aka producer)
  2. bills-processer (aka consumer)
  3. bills-display (aka kind of interface)

The folder under the bills-display contains the docker scripts.


  • contains the scripts to generate a docker image from the bills-display application; the application will be started on port 8080
  • docker build -t billdisplay .


  • contains the scripts to generate the docker image for the consumer, from the bills-processer application
  • first we generate locally a .jar file
  • we override into the container the application.yml with some other settings (eventuallly)
  • the processer will be started and will listen till there is something into the queue
  • the processer will read from the queue and will save it into elasticsearch
  • we have to have saved into the application the hostname for the elasticsearch: right now (06.10.2017) it is still hardcoded, but should be eventually configured into application.yml und read inside the application
  • hostname: elastic, user:elastic, password: changeme
  • docker build -t processer .


  • contains already the docker-compose yml to start the elasticsearch (not used here, moved into processer-display/docker-compose.yml))


  • contains already the docker-compose.yml to start the zookeeper + kafka (not used here, moved into processer-display/docker-compose.yml)


  • contains the docker-compose.yml file to start all the services: kafka, zookeeper, elastic, processer, display
  • the services got a hostname so we can use this property when we want to specify that a service has to connect to another one (eg. processer connects to elastic)
  • KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: - this is very important!!!! the IP represents the docker network IP - more info here: wurstmeister/kafka-docker#17

So the setup till now is more or less flexible. Still have to work on it, but for the first try at least it works: starts the services, reads the things from kafka and saves them in elasticsearch.

To start everything just have to run: /docker/bills/processer-display/docker-compose up

Then in order to write into kafka, run separately the bills-generator project

Then access everything at: http://localhost:8080/index/bills