
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular / Gulp Patterns



You can install these gulp tasks as a npm module typing

npm i --save-dev matrix-angular-gulp

then you need to create a gulpfile that calls the installed gulpfile in order to load all its tasks. This can be achieved by adding this to your gulpfile:

var gulp = require('gulp');

// Make gulp global so it can be used by the module
global.GULP = gulp;

// Instantiate module gulpfile to make its tasks available

// Add your own tasks here or overwrite the provided tasks here

You can easily change gulp tasks options by adding your own gulp.config.js file wherever you want and adding this line to your own gulpfile:

global.CONFIG_PATH = 'path_to_your_config_file';

Your gulp.config.js file should look like this:

var config = require('./node_modules/matrix-angular-gulp/gulp/gulp.config');

module.exports = function() {
  // Add here your own configs or overwrite the values you want.

  return config;

You can overwrite the karma configuration file as well by adding your own karma config file (or copying and modifying the provided one located in node_modules/matrix-angular-gulp/karma.conf.js) and adding this line to your own gulpfile;

global.KARMA_CONF_FILE = 'path_to_your_karma_conf_file';


You will need to add your own .jscsrc file to the folder where your own gulpfile is located in order to get jscs linting work. You can get the one we provide located in node_modules/matrix-angular-gulp/.jscsrc.


This repository contains some gulp tasks. They can be applied using AngularJS version 1. There is a main gulpfile.js with some general tasks, more specific tasks can be found in the gulp/tasks folder. The proposed project structure is:

├── assets
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── img
│   ├── (sass | less)
│   └── styles
├── gulp
│   ├── tasks
│   └── gulp.config,js
├── scripts
│   └── app
│       ├── landing
│       │   ├── landing.controller.js
│       │   ├── landing.html
│       │   └── landing.module.js
│       └── app.js
├── gulpfile.js
└── index.html

There are many configurable options in the gulp.config.js so you can adapt the tasks to your own project structure.


Common Tasks

  • default

    • Description: Prints out the list of available tasks.
  • annotate

    • Description: Adds $inject arrays to angular functions.
  • inject

    • Description: Inject required files depending on the current environment.

Code analysis Tasks

  • analyze

    • Description: Performs jshint, jscs and sass analysis.
    • Params:
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [analyze:jscs, analyze:jshint, analyze:sass]
  • analyze:jscs

    • Description: Analyzes the js files using jscs and based on the rules found in the .jscsrc file which is required.
    • Params:
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
  • analyze:jshint

    • Description: Analyzes the js files using jshint.
    • Params:
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
  • analyze:plato

    • Description: Performs a complete js analysis and creates a report to be visualized in the browser.
    • Params:
    • verbose: Add --verbose to show an overview report in the console.
  • analyze:sass

    • Description: Analyzes the scss/sass files using scss-lint.
    • Params:
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • scss_lint Ruby gem.
  • analyze:watch

    • Description: Watches js, scss and sass files and performs a complete analysis on them.
    • Params:
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [analyze]

Build tasks

  • build:clean

    • Description: Cleans the dist directory.
  • build:dev

    • Description: Builds the project for development environment.
  • build:dist

    • Description: Builds the project for production environment.
  • build:specs

    • Description: Builds the project for karma environment.
  • build:fonts:clean

    • Description: Cleans the fonts directory.
  • build:fonts:copy

    • Description: Copies the project fonts into dist directory.
  • build:img:clean

    • Description: Cleans the dist images directory.
  • build:img:copy

    • Description: Copies the project images into dist directory.
  • build:minify:css

    • Description: Minifies, hashes the css filename and copies it to the corresponding dist directory.
    • Params:
      • verbose Add --verbose to show original and final size of all minified files.
    • Requirements:
      • [styles]
  • build:minify:html

    • Description: Minifies the html files and copies them to the dist directory.
  • build:minify:js

    • Description: Uglifies the js files and puts them on the dist directory.
    • Params:
      • verbose Add --verbose to show original and final size of all minified files.

Serve Tasks

  • serve:base

    • Description: Starts a server in the given environment.
    • Requirements:
      • [serve:browse]
    • Limitations: Cannot be called on its own, it's essentially a subtask to be called from another task (serve:dev or serve:dist).
  • serve:browse

    • Description: Opens a browser with the specified environment.
    • Limitations: Cannot be called on its own, it's essentially a subtask to be called from another task (serve:dev, serve:dist or specs:serve).
  • serve:dev

    • Description: Starts a server serving from development environment.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [build:dev, serve:base, serve:reload:dev:css, serve:reload:dev:html, serve:reload:dev:js]
  • serve:dist

    • Description: Starts a server serving from production environment.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [build:dist, serve:base, serve:reload:dist:css, serve:reload:dist:html, serve:reload:dist:js]
  • serve:reload

    • Description: Reloads the server for the files in reloadPath.
    • Requirements:
      • [serve:browse]
    • Limitations: Cannot be called on its own, it's essentially a subtask to be called from another task (serve:reload:*).
  • serve:reload:dev:html

    • Description: Reloads the dev server with the new files.
  • serve:reload:dev:js

    • Description: Reloads the dev server with the new files.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache, serve:reload]
  • serve:reload:dev:styles

    • Description: Reloads the dev server with the new files.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache, styles, serve:reload]
  • serve:reload:dist:html

    • Description: Reloads the production server with the new files.
  • serve:reload:dist:js

    • Description: Reloads the production server with the new files.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache, serve:reload]
  • serve:reload:dist:styles

    • Description: Reloads the production server with the new files.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache, styles, serve:reload]
  • serve:reload:specs:html

    • Description: Doesn't perform any real task right now.
  • serve:reload:specs:js

    • Description: Reloads the specs server with the new files.
    • Params:
      • analyze: Add --analyze to analyze all files on every server reload.
      • exhaustive: Add --exhaustive to analyze all files when analyzing from a watch task.
      • autofix: Add --autofix if you want jscs to fix your files based on the provided rules.
      • strict: Add --strict to prevent tasks that depend on this one to be executed if errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache, serve:reload]
  • serve:reload:specs:styles

    • Description: Doesn't perform any real task right now.

Karma-Jasmine testing tasks

  • specs:run

    • Description: Runs all unit tests producing a single result along with coverage information.
    • Requirements:
      • [templatecache]
  • specs:serve

    • Description: Runs tests in serve mode. Runs over tests on every file change.
    • Params:
      • strictTest: Add --strictTest to stop current execution when errors are found.Add --strictTest to stop current execution when errors are found.
    • Requirements:
      • [build:specs, serve:base]

Styles tasks

  • styles

    • Description: Calls the configured styles framework task to compile the files and generate a css file.
  • styles:clean

    • Description: Cleans the css directory.
  • styles:less

    • Description: Compiles all the less partials, shows the errors on the console log & concatenates all the files in only one.
    • Requirements:
      • [styles:clean]
  • styles:sass

    • Description: Compiles all the sass partials, shows the errors on the console log & concatenates all the files in only one.
    • Requirements:
      • [styles:clean]
  • styles:watch - Description: Watches (sass | less) changes to call recompile the styles. - Requirements: - [styles]


Copyright (c) 2016 Ignacio Gonzalez Bullon / Francisco Javier Fernandez Ceña
