
simple roku remote using python streamlit and requests is light weight and opens in your browser

what you need: docker installed IP address of the roku devices you want to use ( this can be found in your phones roku app)

to run use this remote

  1. clone this repo
git clone
cd Docker_roku

  1. edit the file to include your personal roku IP addresses

# Define the Roku devices with their IP addresses
5   │ roku_devices = {
6   │     "Bedroom": "192.168.1.ZZZ", # Replace ZZZ with the actual IP address
7   │     "Children's Room": "192.168.1.XXX",  # Replace XXX with the actual IP address
8   │     "Living Room": "192.168.1.YYY"  # Replace YYY with the actual IP address
9   │ }

  1. build container

docker build -t roku_remote .

  1. run container exposing port 8501

    docker run -p 8501:8501 roku_remote:latest
  2. Open in browser

Using it is super simple just select your roku device from the drop down and send commands as such

Feel free to modify this to make it easier for your use case

in the future id like to add: channel button options quick command buttons instead of drop down ( play/pause, FF, Rewind, Home)