Lab exercises and final project of the Packet Switching and Processing Architectures course of the Computer Science and Networking Master's Degree @ University of Pisa.
Exercise number | Language/Framework/Tool | Description |
1 | C++, libpcap | A simple program that takes an interface as input parameter. It first checks if the interface is in the list of devices returned by pcap_findalldevs() : if yes it calls the pcap_open_live() on that interface, otherwise a valid interface is requested. Once the descriptor has been correctly opened a packet will be captured with the pcap_next() and some information on its content will be printed out. |
2 | C++, libpcap | A simple program that takes a pcap file as input parameter. A descriptor is obtained with the pcap_open_offline() . The pcap_next() is used and some information on the content of the captured packet will be printed out. VLAN traffic (IEEE 802.1Q) has been managed. |
3 | C++, libpcap | A simple program that takes as input parameters a pcap file and the number of packets to be captured. A descriptor is obtained with the pcap_open_offline() . The pcap_loop() is used and a packet handler callback is defined. The callback is supposed to be called on a per-packet basis and implements the parsers of the protocol headers. |
4 | C++, libpcap | A program that obtains packets from a pcap file and does some analysis. It requires as input parameters a pcap file and the number of packets to be captured. The computation returns the number (and the list) of the different source IP addresses found in the analyzed traffic. |
An application that uses the pcap library to capture traffic, identifying and analyzing different flows. The user can specify as input parameters both a network interface or a pcap capture file, along with the number of packets that he/she wants to analyze. In the first case the analysis is performed on traffic that appears live in the monitoring application, while in the second case the content of the capture file is inspected in offline mode.
The aim of the program is to identify different flows (a flow is defined by a tuple <source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, protocol>
) and to count how many packets belong to a certain flow.
Two different implementations are provided:
- an unordered map where a key is a flow tuple and a value is the packet counter for that specific flow entry; C++ base mechanism only are used in this case
- a counting bloom filter randomized data structure used to both check set membership for the flows and count the packets per flow; one of the MurmurHash3 functions has been used in order to produce 128-bit hash values efficiently