This repository provides experiments and algorithms for reproducing the experiments in our paper, A Scalable Concurrent Dynamic Connectivity, accepted in SPAA 2021. Our paper presents the first scalable concurrent dynamic connectivity algorithm by making connectivity queries non-blocking, using per-component fine-grained locking, and performing modifications that do not change the spanning forest without taking any locks.
All algorithms are available at
Our single-writer concurrent Euler tour trees:
Our concurrent dynamic connectivity:
Benchmark jars can be built using the following command:
./gradlew benchmarkJar largeBenchmarkJar
These jars can be executed via java -jar
. The benchmark for large graphs may also need changing maximum java heap size.
All necessary graphs will be downloaded automatically. Internally, we use JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) and its output is written to standard output. After the benchmark end, multiple csv-s are generated for every scenario.