Simple client-side mod that adds useful features as commands, such as a calculator.
As of right now, there is only one command family: /calc It consists of a few useful subcommands and a calculator, which supports:
- - + * / ^ operators
- Usage of parenthesis to indicate priority
- Variables (including an "ans" variable, which represents the result of last calculation)
- Functions
For more information of which functions are supported, see Javaluator.
- Interpret the given equation
- /calc <equation>
- e.g.: /calc (3+pi) * sin(3)
- Add a variable name so you can use it in equations
- /calc add <variablename> <value>
- e.g.: /calc add x 5 sets the value of "x" to 5
- Clear all variables from memory
- /calc clear
- Calculate distance from player position to given x y z coordinates
- /calc dist <x> <y> <z>
- Get a quantity of items as whole stacks + remainder
- /calc asstacks <number of items>
This is a fabric mod and, as such, will require to be loaded with Fabric Loader.
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Cotton Client Commands
- [OPTIONAL] If you want to use CurseForge as your mod manager for fabric mods, check out Jumploader