
Repository for the GetNinjas front-end challenge.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my resolution for the GetNinjas frontend-challenge, it gets data from a Node.js server and render the form fields on the DOM without any lib.

You can test it live on this link.

I really like the most recent EcmaScript features, so this project runs on the most recent browser versions (probably not Safari hahaha), but I left a Babel configuration on Gulp with task to minify the HTML, CSS and JS files to the dist/ folder, the resulting files will work on older browser too.

To start it just run:

npm install
node server.js

And open the public/index.html file or go to http://localhost:3000 on a modern browser.

Or for older browser just run:

npm run build

To build JavaScript files, change the line 5 on the app.js file from public to dist, run node server.js and open the generated dist/index.html or go to http://localhost:3000 on a older browser.