
C# WPF simple MySQL manager in .NET Framework 4.7.2

Primary LanguageC#


It's a front pic!


The mysqlDbManager is a small project which can simplify your basic MySQL database management. It's created to do simply operations on tables: check data, insert some rows, update existing rows or just send your queries to the database! Includes fast table export to JSON or Excel file!


  • last session connection data save
  • easy and fast table refresh
  • edit specific cell by double-click on it
  • GUI window for UPDATE/INSERT queries
  • table data export to JSON/Excel

It might come in handy ;) ~ Me, 2021

Used technology

Technology I used for this project:

  • C#
  • C# WPF
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • MySQL

And some nuggets like:

  • DocumentFormat.OpenXml
  • MySql.Data
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf


There's two ways: you can download the master branch with code, check how it's working and compile whole application in Visual Studio 2019, or simply download zipped directory from link below.


  • Windows 10
  • .NET SDKs for .NET applications


Download here latest version, unzip it and run mysqlDbManager.exe.

How to use

After download unzip folder, and run the mysqlDbManager.exe. Next step is to log into the database and from now on you can manage your database!

Here's a short description of main window features:

Short description of the navbar options:

  • Simple color Custom query - textbox and button for custom queries
  • Simple color Edit data window - window for with GUI for UPDATE/INSERT queries
  • Simple color Table select - table select option and refresh button for table
  • Simple color Table view - space where table is displayed and you can modify specific cell
  • Simple color Log - event log for the program
  • Simple color Version - version number and little cheese for you! :)

Edit: I added table export to JSON and Excel with two more buttons next to event log, you won't overlook it

Application is easy to use so feel free to test it!


Fixes/New functions/Changes in the program

  • 1.1.0 - 26.03.2021

    • added export to JSON
    • added export to Excel Spreadsheet
    • added few more exception handlers
  • 1.0.0 - 23.03.2021

    • full version released

Thank you!

Thank you for peeking at my project!

If you're interested check out my other stuff here