
Node.js back-end for Full-stack software development project course. NOTE: This repo has moved. The new repo can be found from clubhouse/alehuo

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Maintainer license

Staging (develop) Build Status Code coverage (develop)

Production (master) Build Status Code coverage (develop)

devDependencies dependencies

Open Source Love TypeScript GitHub top language

contributions welcome GitHub pull requests GitHub issues

Back-end for Full-stack software development project course.

The back-end has been coded with TypeScript. A Dockerfile is also provided if you wish to deploy the app easily. Knex is used to handle DB migrations and seeding.

Table of contents


Many student unions across Finland use so called "clubhouses" where they can organize events and have fun with other students.

It is not always clear what events are kept there, who has the permission to use such places and how to keep a good track of who is in response of other people, and when has such a person been there.

This project is meant to solve this problem by providing:

  • List of student unions
  • List of users
  • List of students that have access to clubhouses (night / day keys etc..)
  • An event calendar to look for events (Available also as iCal feed)
  • Rules of the clubhouse easily available
  • Cleaning schedules of the clubhouse*
  • A "newsboard" system for posting announcements
  • Management interface for easy responsibility taking of other people
  • Comprehensive admin interface for administrators to be constantly up to date of whats happening.
  • Very flexible permissions system. You can add roles and customize their permissions as you wish.
  • Spotify API support

* not yet implemented

Creating databases manually

You need to create databases DB_NAME_test, DB_NAME_dev and DB_NAME, where DB_NAME is the database you want to use with your setup. This can be done manually, or by executing yarn create-databases when .env file is configured.

Installation instructions

Without docker

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install yarn if not yet installed
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies
  4. Create .env file and define environment variables. See .env.example file.
  5. yarn create-databases to create necessary databases (optionally, you can create the databases manually.)
  6. yarn migrate to run migrations
  7. yarn seed to seed the database
  8. yarn start to start the server or yarn watch to watch for code changes

With Docker

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run docker-compose up -d --build
  3. Run yarn migrate-docker
  4. Run yarn seed-docker to seed your database with example users


By default, two users are created. Login with testuser@email.com::testuser or testuser2@email.com::testuser2.

Running tests & calculating code coverage

To run tests, run yarn test. To run tests in a container environment, run yarn test-docker.

API routes


POST /api/v1/authenticate

Returns: JWT if the authentication succeeds

Request content-type: application/json

Request body:

Required: email and password

  "email": "user1@email.com",
  "password": "password1"

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success on authentication), HTTP 4xx (validation error or user already exists), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: JWT

  "success": true,
  "message": "Authentication successful",
  "payload": {
    "token": "TOKEN"


GET /api/v1/user

Returns: A list of users registered in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Succesfully fetched users",
  "payload": [{
    "userId": 1,
    "email": "testuser@email.com",
    "firstName": "Test",
    "lastName": "User",
    "permissions": 524287,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
  }, {
    "userId": 2,
    "email": "testuser2@email.com",
    "firstName": "Test2",
    "lastName": "User2",
    "permissions": 8,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/user/:userId

Returns: Registered user if the request completes successfully

Request parameters: userId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/user/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "userId": 1,
    "email": "testuser@email.com",
    "firstName": "Test",
    "lastName": "User",
    "permissions": 524287,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

POST /api/v1/user

Returns: Created user if the request succeeds

Request content-type: application/json

Request body:

Required: email, password, firstName and lastName

  "email": "user1@email.com",
  "password": "password1",
  "firstName": "firstname",
  "lastName": "lastname"

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on user creation), HTTP 4xx (validation error or user already exists), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Created user

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "userId": 5,
    "email": "user1@email.com",
    "firstName": "firstname",
    "lastName": "lastname",
    "permissions": 8,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:17:52",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:17:52"

DELETE /api/v1/user/:userId

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "User deleted from the server (including his/her created calendar events, messages, sessions and newsposts.)"

PUT /api/v1/user/:userId



GET /api/v1/studentunion

Returns: A list of student unions in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Succesfully fetched student unions",
  "payload": [{
    "unionId": 1,
    "name": "Union 1",
    "description": "Union 1 description",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
  }, {
    "unionId": 2,
    "name": "Union 2",
    "description": "Union 2 description",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
  }, {
    "unionId": 3,
    "name": "Union 3",
    "description": "Union 3 description",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/studentunion/:unionId

Returns: A single student unions in the service by its id.

Request parameters: unionId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/studentunion/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "unionId": 1,
    "name": "Union 1",
    "description": "Union 1 description",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

POST /api/v1/studentunion

Returns: Created student union if the request succeeds

Request content-type: application/json

Request body:

Required: name and description

  "name": "HelloWorld",
  "description": "Description for student union"

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on student union creation), HTTP 4xx (validation error or user already exists), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Created student union

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "name": "HelloWorld",
    "description": "Description for student union",
    "unionId": 4,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29T09:22:28.833Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29T09:22:28.833Z"

DELETE /api/v1/studentunion/:unionId


PUT /api/v1/studentunion/:unionId



GET /api/v1/calendar

Returns: All calendar events in the service, past and present.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Succesfully fetched calendar events",
  "payload": [{
    "eventId": 1,
    "name": "Friday hangouts",
    "description": "Friday hangouts at our clubhouse",
    "restricted": 0,
    "startTime": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "endTime": "2018-12-29 12:14:08",
    "addedBy": 1,
    "unionId": 1,
    "locationId": 2,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
  }, {
    "eventId": 2,
    "name": "Board meeting",
    "description": "Board meeting",
    "restricted": 0,
    "startTime": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "endTime": "2018-12-29 12:14:08",
    "addedBy": 1,
    "unionId": 1,
    "locationId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/calendar/:eventId

Returns: A single calendar event in the service by its id.

Request parameters: eventId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/calendar/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "Succesfully fetched single calendar event",
  "payload": {
    "eventId": 1,
    "name": "Friday hangouts",
    "description": "Friday hangouts at our clubhouse",
    "restricted": 0,
    "startTime": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "endTime": "2018-12-29 12:14:08",
    "addedBy": 1,
    "unionId": 1,
    "locationId": 2,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

POST /api/v1/calendar

Returns: Created calendar event if the request succeeds

Request content-type: application/json

Required permissions: ADD_EVENT

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: name, description, restricted, startTime, endTime, unionId and locationId

  "name": "Test event",
  "description": "Test event",
  "restricted": 0,
  "startTime": "2018-08-12 12:00",
  "endTime": "2018-08-12 14:00",
  "unionId": 1,
  "locationId": 2

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on calendar event creation), HTTP 4xx (validation error), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Created calendar event

  "success": true,
  "message": "Succesfully saved calendar event",
  "payload": {
    "eventId": 3,
    "name": "Test event",
    "description": "Test event",
    "restricted": 0,
    "startTime": "2018-08-12 12:00:00",
    "endTime": "2018-08-12 14:00:00",
    "addedBy": 1,
    "unionId": 1,
    "locationId": 2,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:24:46",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:24:46"

GET /api/v1/calendar/:eventId/ical

Returns: An iCal file of the event in the service by its id. Triggers a file download in the browser.

Request parameters: eventId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: text/calendar

Response body: GET /api/v1/calendar/1/ical

SUMMARY: Friday hangouts
DESCRIPTION: Friday hangouts at our clubhouse
LOCATION: Street Addr 1

DELETE /api/v1/calendar/:eventId


PUT /api/v1/calendar/:eventId



GET /api/v1/location

Returns: All locations in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "locationId": 1,
  "name": "Meeting room",
  "address": "Street Addr 1",
  "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
  "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
}, {
  "locationId": 2,
  "name": "Club",
  "address": "Street Addr 1",
  "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
  "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/location/:locationId

Returns: A single location in the service by its id.

Request parameters: locationId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/location/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "locationId": 1,
    "name": "Meeting room",
    "address": "Street Addr 1",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

POST /api/v1/location

Returns: Created location if the request succeeds

Request content-type: application/json

Required permissions: ADD_LOCATION

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: name and address

  "name": "Meeting room",
  "address": "Street Addr 1"

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on location creation), HTTP 4xx (validation error), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Created location

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "locationId": 1,
    "name": "Meeting room",
    "address": "Street Addr 1",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

DELETE /api/v1/location/:locationId


PUT /api/v1/location/:locationId



GET /api/v1/permission

Returns: All permissions in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "ALLOW_VIEW_RULES": 512,
    "ALLOW_VIEW_POSTS": 2048,
    "ACCESS_SPOTIFY_API": 262144


GET /api/v1/session/ongoing

Returns: All ongoing sessions in the service.

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "sessionId": 2,
    "userId": 1,
    "startMessage": "Good evening, I'm taking responsibility of a few exchange students.",
    "endMessage": "",
    "startTime": "2018-07-01 23:58:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/session/user/:userId

Returns: All sessions (old and ongoing) by a single user, by its id.

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request parameters: userId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/session/user/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "sessionId": 1,
    "userId": 1,
    "startMessage": "Let's get this party started.",
    "endMessage": "I have left the building. Moved people under my supervision to another keyholder.",
    "startTime": "2017-07-01 00:00:00",
    "endTime": "2017-07-01 00:10:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"
  }, {
    "sessionId": 2,
    "userId": 1,
    "startMessage": "Good evening, I'm taking responsibility of a few exchange students.",
    "endMessage": "",
    "startTime": "2018-07-01 23:58:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

GET /api/v1/session/ongoing/user/:userId

Returns: All ongoing watches by a single user, by its id.

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request parameters: userId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 404 (not found), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/session/ongoing/user/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "sessionId": 2,
    "userId": 1,
    "startMessage": "Good evening, I'm taking responsibility of a few exchange students.",
    "endMessage": "",
    "startTime": "2018-07-01 23:58:00",
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08"

POST /api/v1/session/start

Returns: Starts a new session.

Request content-type: application/json

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: startMessage

  "startMessage": "Start message of the session."

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on starting a new session), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Status message

  "success": true,
  "message": "Session started"

POST /api/v1/session/end

Returns: Ends an ongoing session.

Request content-type: application/json

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: endMessage

  "endMessage": "End message of the session."

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success on ending a session), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: Status message

  "success": true,
  "message": "Session ended with message 'End message of the session.'"


GET /api/v1/message

Returns: All messages in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "messageId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:30:43",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:30:43",
    "userId": 1,
    "title": "(No title)",
    "message": "Hello world!"

GET /api/v1/message/:messageId

Returns: A single message in the service by its id.

Request parameters: messageId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/message/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "messageId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:30:43",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:30:43",
    "userId": 1,
    "title": "(No title)",
    "message": "Hello world!"

POST /api/v1/message

Returns: Inserted message in the service

Request content-type: application/json

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: message

  "message": "Hello world!"

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on message creation), HTTP 400 (valiadtion error), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "created_at": "2018-12-29T09:30:42.572Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29T09:30:42.572Z",
    "message": "Hello world!",
    "title": "(No title)",
    "userId": 1,
    "messageId": 1

DELETE /api/v1/message/:messageId


PUT /api/v1/message/:messageId



GET /api/v1/newspost

Returns: All newsposts in the service.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "postId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "author": 1,
    "title": "Welcome to our site",
    "message": "Welcome to the new clubhouse management website."

GET /api/v1/newspost/:postId

Returns: A single newspost in the service by its id.

Request parameters: postId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/newspost/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "postId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "author": 1,
    "title": "Welcome to our site",
    "message": "Welcome to the new clubhouse management website."

GET /api/v1/newspost/user/:userId

Returns: All newsposts by a single user in the service.

Request parameters: userId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/newspost/user/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": [{
    "postId": 1,
    "created_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29 09:14:08",
    "author": 1,
    "title": "Welcome to our site",
    "message": "Welcome to the new clubhouse management website."

POST /api/v1/newspost

Returns: Inserted newspost in the service

Request content-type: application/json

Request headers: Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]

Request body:

Required: title and message

  "title": "Hello world",
  "message": "First post"

Response status code: HTTP 201 (success on message creation), HTTP 400 (valiadtion error), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "success": true,
  "message": "",
  "payload": {
    "created_at": "2018-12-29T09:33:38.474Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-29T09:33:38.474Z",
    "message": "First post",
    "title": "Hello world",
    "author": 1,
    "postId": 2

DELETE /api/v1/newspost/:postId

Returns: Status if the deletion succeeded or not.

Request parameters: postId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 400 (deletion error), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: DELETE /api/v1/newspost/1

  "success": true,
  "message": "Newspost deleted"

PUT /api/v1/newspost/:postId



GET /api/v1/statistics

Returns: Statistics of the clubhouse management system.

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body:

  "userCount": 3,
  "eventCount": 2,
  "newspostCount": 1,
  "hoursOnWatch": 0.16666666666666666,
  "messageCount": 2

GET /api/v1/statistics/:userId

Returns: Statistics of a single user in the clubhouse management system.

Request parameters: userId (URL parameter, integer)

Response status code: HTTP 200 (success), HTTP 500 (server error)

Response content-type: application/json

Response body: GET /api/v1/statistics/1

  "eventCount": 2,
  "newspostCount": 1,
  "hoursOnWatch": 0.16666666666666666,
  "watchCount": 2,
  "messageCount": 2


The back end has an advanced permission system, that allows for a fine tuned management of user permissions. Below is a table that has listed all permission bits that are in use.

List of permissions

Name Description Value
BAN_USER Ban a user 0x00000001
EDIT_USER_ROLE Edit user roles 0x00000002
MAKE_USER_ADMIN Make user an admin 0x00000004
ALLOW_USER_LOGIN Allow user to login (default permission) 0x00000008
ADD_KEY_TO_USER Add a key to user 0x00000010
REMOVE_KEY_FROM_USER Remove key from user 0x00000020
CHANGE_KEY_TYPE_OF_USER Change the key type of an user 0x00000040
ALLOW_VIEW_KEYS Allow user to view keys 0x00000080
ADD_USER_TO_UNION Add user to a student union. 0x00000100
REMOVE_USER_FROM_UNION Remove user from a student union 0x00000200
ADD_STUDENT_UNION Add a student union 0x00000400
REMOVE_STUDENT_UNION Remove a student union 0x00000800
EDIT_STUDENT_UNION Edit a student union 0x00001000
ALLOW_VIEW_STUDENT_UNIONS Allow user to view student unions 0x00002000
ADD_EVENT Add an event 0x00004000
EDIT_EVENT Edit an event 0x00008000
REMOVE_EVENT Remove an event 0x00010000
ALLOW_VIEW_EVENTS Allow user to view events 0x00020000
EDIT_RULES Allow user to edit rules 0x00040000
ALLOW_VIEW_RULES Allow user to view rules 0x00080000
ADD_POSTS Allow user to add posts 0x00100000
EDIT_AND_REMOVE_OWN_POSTS Allow user to edit and remove his/her own posts 0x00200000
REMOVE_POSTS Allow user to remove posts 0x00400000
ALLOW_VIEW_POSTS Allow user to view posts 0x00800000
EDIT_OTHERS_POSTS Allow user to edit others' posts 0x01000000
SEND_MAILS Allow user to send mails 0x02000000
ADD_LOCATION Allow user to add a location 0x04000000
EDIT_LOCATION Allow user to edit a location 0x08000000

Combining permissions

Permissions can be combined with bitwise operations. For example, if I want a user to be able to login and view rules, a bitwise operation is made: 0x00000008 | 0x00080000 what is equal to 0x00080008.

Checking permissions

If you want to check if a user has a certain permission, do it like this: 0x00080008 & 0x00000008 = 0x00000008

If the result is equal to the permission that has been checked, the user is allowed to do the operation.


This project is licensed with MIT license.